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Set in a fantasy setting, you play a horny young man who is suddenly taught spells that will let him control the thoughts and actions of the women in his town and told that he has roughly a month to become proficient enough in the spell to seduce the Princess, for reasons unknown. Things are looking good…

Current version is 0.1 and can be downloaded here:!EsZRiATT!nAYvxixu8twoxuT2xPu8gzWbH57W9j7HyCNh9LBP_ac

This game is being made by a professional software developer with over 10 years experience in delivering successful projects, so don't let the 0.10 number scare you (too much). Everyone has to start somewhere.


what is this shit???



Yet another 3d unity trainer game.



Hopefully not. I'm the creator of this game, and I've been trying hard to do something new with it. I desperately want to avoid having this game be another "me-too" Daz game. I can't avoid the Daz part, but I can at least put in some effort into being original in other areas. I can't be the judge on whether or not I succeed at my ambitions, but at least I'm trying.

I hope you'll at least give it a chance. It might surprise you.


I look forwards to seeing what you do with this.

Remember, good writing is key. Even more-so than the sex scenes.

Keep that in mind, and maybe try to find a couple of other sites to get feedback on (assuming you haven't already) Chan-boards tend to be somewhat toxic in their responses.

Good luck!


10 years of experience with broken endings.

brb in a year.


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Okay, listen up. No one is going to touch a 0.1 release because there's no content. The fact you've put in a patreon link means this is just another cash grab, the likes we've seen hundreds of times before.

You want people to play it? Fuck off, make at least 30% of the game, then present it for use to judge.

But you've just shat out a barely started demo with a "PLEASE DONATE FOR ME TO CONTINUE!!!" sign plastered all over it.



Thanks! I'm a semi-professional writer and take that aspect of game creation very seriously. It feels like 99% of porn games out there are written by people with no experience in writing whatsoever, and I don't want to be part of that crowd. I hope that people come for the sex scenes and stay for the writing (and sex scenes).

This is the only place I've posted about the game so far. You guys are kind of my test run to see if I've forgotten something important before I unleash it upon the rest of the world. The truth is, I know development and writing, but I don't know marketing. Beyond places like 8chan and Reddit, I barely know where to start promoting my work. It's going to be an exciting challenge, and any tips would be greatly appreciated.


I'll be looking forward to seeing you again then.


Okay, you listen up too. I know the sigh of a 0.1 release is off-putting. I steer clear of those games myself. I know most people will wait to see what happens with my project before jumping in. That's fine. That's expected. Don't try to act like you're telling me something I don't already know.

As for the "cash grab" part, let me illuminate for you the realities of game development for a second. I've spent a ton of money on this game already. Enough that I'm getting worried about my economy going forward. Unless you pirate all your tools and resources (which I don't), game development is fucking expensive. If my Patreon really took off and got me $1000 a month or something, it would still take me months to break even (taxes are taken into consideration here) assuming I stopped spending money on this thing, which I won't.

My game is always going to be free. Always. Money isn't what motivates me. I've released several highly rated mods for other games (all focused on writing) over the years and didn't make a penny off them. I've been part of another free game project that is highly loved on 8chan, and I didn't make a dime off it. You, sir, have my motivations backward. Would I be happy if money started pouring in because people appreciate my work? Of course. Is that why I do this. Hell no! I'm the kind of person who'll go insane if I can't create shit for other people to enjoy. I hope you'll give my game a whirl to see what my game creation passion looks like in practice.



"I know the sighT of a 0.1 release is off-putting." Goddamn typos!



This. I mean, you take the effort to listen to criticism and all, and that's cool, but at least personally I won't touch it until there's some content on it.

It may be cool, but I wouldn't know because I won't play it yet. So good luck, and please don't run with the money.

Also, what are you planning to do fetish related? Don't shove too much shit, and if you do, label it correctly and have a fucking option to turn it off.



I wish you'd at least give it a try, but believe me when I say that I understand why you won't. The porn patreon market has been flooded with shit lately, which could leave anyone a skeptic. I hope I can turn you into a believer in my project over time.

I've listed a bunch of fetishes on the Patreon page, but I realize now I should probably have repeated them here. I honestly feel a little guilty listing them since so many aren't in the current version of the game, but I guess it's important to share my plans with people now that I'm doing crowdfunding. It's a whole new world of experiences for me. :)

Planned fetishes (and I use this word lightly as some of these won't be considered fetishes by many) include:

- Mind control/domination (already in the current version)

- Incest (mostly optional, already in)

- Threesome M/FF

- Lesbian

- Voyeur

- Sleep sex (mostly optional, already in)

- Anal (mostly optional)

- Ass to mouth (optional)

- Pubic hair (can be shaved in most cases. Game already supports this feature, but it's not part of the current release)

It's surprisingly difficult dealing with optional fetishes as a writer, because the main character is also the narrator, and as such you are inside his head at all times. I don't know if I've dealt with this in a good way so far, so I'll be very interested in seeing how people respond to it.

I won't be touching any fetishes more extreme than those listed above.


Oops, I fucked up and introduced a major game-breaking bug at the last minute before my final compile. See, THIS is why you shouldn't trust a 0.1 release! ;)

If you already downloaded the game, delete that shit and get the new and improved 0.101 (recommended by 1 in 20 medical experts) at the following link:!ApImTbaI!HN7dSp-BUankNQ0HmONlo-XvnahsZpa8HsoIg3WbWd0



I want to give it a try, fam, but I'm really tired of being blue balled, not to mention that I appreciate the whole experience more than playing by bits whenever a new update comes out.

Fetish list sounds nice. Don't make the voyeur you watching people fuck, that sucks, unless it's random people and not a character you have the option to fuck Like that scene in Summertime Saga in the Library. Don't add any cuckolding, and, if you add a substantial amount of content in future updated. I might give it a try.

>It's surprisingly difficult dealing with optional fetishes as a writer

Just don't go crazy and try to cater to everyone. That never works. It's better to cater to everyone by having common fetishes than catering to a really niche audience, as autistic as they might be, and if you do, as I said, just give everyone the option to turn it off. If for some reason you decide to add scat, it shouldn't be a problem if it's a small fraction of the game and it can be turned off. You know what? You convinced me, mainly because I'm in withdrawal and the Twist is a piece of shit that requires a really good PC to play, this better be good.

>I don't know if I've dealt with this in a good way so far

Tell you once I play, but personally, I really don't want to hear the commentary of someone I'm supposed to play as. Can't you make a third person narration? Anyway, let me give it a try and I give you a feedback on this.


Think in a method to add updated or bug fixes by patches so anons don't have to re-download the whole thing, but you'll have time for that.



>Just don't go crazy and try to cater to everyone. That never works. It's better to cater to everyone by having common fetishes than catering to a really niche audience

To clarify, I mean that if you want to cater to a wide range of people is better to include less fetish, trying to cram a lot of things will do the contrary, i.e. A town uncovered.



Thanks for your kind comments. I absolutely agree with everything you write, including that bit about voyeur scenes. I hadn't intended on including that kind of content originally, but it turned out to be a natural fit to the story as it solidified, and the player will be given a clear choice to avoid that content.

I started writing this story with a third-person narrator, but it felt wrong whenever I playtested it. First person flows better in a game like this, particularly with the minimalist dialogue box I decided to go with early on. Would I have loved to write something closer to Torment in narration? You'd better believe it. That'll be some other project, however. I will try to keep the internal narration to a minimum, perhaps even deleting some of the stuff I've already written. You've got a potty-mouthed pixie as a sidekick in this game, and she can handle the narration that I would otherwise have put in the main character's head.

And yeah, I agree about patches. I'm planning to look into that for 0.2, but this quick fix I had to do right now didn't give me the time I needed to dive into such solutions. It took only 30 minutes from the moment the bug was reported until I had a new version available on the Patreon, which left little time for research. ;)


>Time limit

Don't do this. Is a pain in the ass. You should be able to call the shoots about ending the story, as in you don't have a limitation when it comes to ending the game. However, if you insist on the limitation, maybe provide 2 difficulties. One easy, for layback players that want to unlock everything without time limits. and the normal difficulty, the time limited one for anons who wants a challenge.

I don't see a "Backlog" function if you by change miss dialogue either. Pretty sure that's one of the best Ren'py functions, so you should use it if you can, along with an skip button, if that isn't already obvious.

>Two fathers are better than one? Nah, that's dumb

Fucking priceless. I really like the writting, is not just dumb shit to get you off, it's actually pretty throughout. Also, the gameplay is indeed kind of different. You know whaty you did? You did Ace Attorney: Medieval Porn, and I like it.

Also, do you plan having something to do with Harem? That would be alright and it's also pretty common. Finally, forget what I said about the inner monologue, it's ok as it is. Haven't hit a sex scene yet, but honestly, everything is pretty well done, congrats, also, you made me shed a tear for Mereck. I didn't go a little past that part, but I will finish tomorrow because sadly I need to work.



About the time limit: I would usually agree with you about this, but I've given this a lot of thought. Long Live the Princess doesn't feature any random stuff, and there shouldn't be any grinding. As such, a difficulty selection doesn't really make much sense. I could theoretically drop the difficulty for puzzles, but that's kind of like what Monkey Island 2 did, and there's a reason why we don't see that in games anymore. The time limit isn't meant to be punishing, but is instead meant to move the story along through events that aren't always controllable for the player. Think along the lines of the Persona games, which do the same thing. And if you happen to fail at the main quest, you can just replay the game and keep your stats so that you essentially have many more actions to spend the second time around. I have plans for how to handle additional playthroughs in a way that will make them feel fresh.

Your Ace Attorney: Medieval Porn comment made my day. It's exactly the kind of vibe I was aiming for. Even the presence of Belle as your sidekick comes from this, her being something of a mix between Maya Fey from Ace Attorney and Kyu from Huniepop.

When you mention harem, are you referring to the concept of "obtaining" all the girls at once? If so, then yes. There will be something like that.


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Yeah, it's all good, also, fuck work, I'm pulling an all nigher, if just to finish the current build. I also found the skip button, is ctrl, but no backlog at all. Improve the UI too, please, like adding the time of the day you're on, and how much money you have, if currency even matter. I see that you can only interact with the sister in the current build, which is a shame, and all characters are interesting, don't want to judge them right now, though.

Anyway, keep going, I'd surely support your patreon if it wasn't for the fact that I'm piss poor and I made an oath of not supporting any crowdfunding ever. But everything is really well done. Lastly, some anons will probably get mad for how long it takes to even get to sex, but I think it's alright, this writing is on par if not superior to Japanese VNs, so ignore those faggots, they are probably here "just for the porn".



Oh, and shill everywhere you can. It's seriously pretty good. Have you gone to F95zone, cuckchan and reddit yet? As long as you don't change your game based on their opinion, which should be worthless, just take their money. I get you started yesterday, but this build is good enough already, proof being it have take me this long and I'm not really sure the "tutorial" is over.



There should be a backlog if you go to the menu (right-click) and choose History (or something like that. I'm at work and don't have the game in front of me).

And yeah, the GUI needs improvements. Right now the focus was on content over GUI, but I expect to give it a solid overhaul soon enough. I'm planning to add money and inventory around the third release, tentatively numbered 0.3. It might come sooner if I'm inhumanly effective this coming month. Stranger things have happened in my life.

I fully expect to get some flak for the amount of reading in this game, and if I was in this for nothing but the money, I'd cut it down dramatically. But this is the kind of game I want to make, so if I lose a couple of potential players because of that, then that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. :)


Thanks! Those are good suggestions. I'm planning to do some shilling later today, so they will come in handy.

You'll know the tutorial is over when you're no longer being railroaded. Not that there's a lot of choices after this point right now. I added just enough so that people could get a decent idea of how the gameplay will flow. I'm glad to hear that the current length is acceptable.



>I'm glad to hear that the current length is acceptable

My only problem is that the locked content on the other girls beside your sister. The reason I fell in love with Incestral Awakening was because it had 4 scenes with 2 family members and somewhat an scene with the mom, which is a lot for a 0.1 build, even when the game didn't last a fraction of yours. You'd want to work on them for people to have more to do as quick as you can, just to catch interest quickly, and then you can focus in one of them either completely or mostly if you want.

Consider that I don't have experience in game development, but I honestly believe that even though it's true the writing is the most important and this game have it, you also need things to do other than fucking around with your sister.



I agree, which is why I gave each of the initial girls (Evelyn, Primrose, Callie, and Belle) a chance to shine during the tutorial. I expect that adding the basic scenes for Primrose and Callie will take up most of the next month. I didn't want to delay the game for too long (it'll never feel ready until it's complete anyway), so I ended up putting the focus where I did.

By the way, it looks like the usual suspects that spread Patreon porn games around on different file providers have discovered my game. That sure didn't take long. I'm impressed that they can notice so quickly when the only place I've mentioned it so far is here on 8chan. I'm very happy that they did though, because if there's one good way to get quick marketing for this kind of thing, I'd say it's exactly that.


>releasing as 0.1

>not as 1.0 (demo)



Well, your approach would probably be smarter from a business standpoint, but I don't feel like it would be honest from an integrity standpoint. 1.0, in my book, means feature complete (which could still mean that it's an alpha or beta). Long Live the Princess is far from feature complete.



Aight fair enough, it'd be a dick move to fling our proberbial shit at you for no reason.


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The title misled me, it reminded me of an old VN, "Long live the queen". I would have chosen something more peculiar, unique.

Rollback disabled? Really annoying. Please, reconsider this choice.

How about disabling or marking with a different colour the unavailable options? It is unnerving to read so often "I don't have enough XXX to do this".

G-strings in a medieval setting? Immersion breaking.

The sister's left hand looks a bit weird to me.



Let me get this straight, OP, you have the funds to do the game and you use Patreon just as a support of that? There are first times for everything.

Anyway, I finished the build, and I must say I'm a little dissapointed because I thought it'd be more than 5 days. The content it's still decent, the writting is amazing, but there's little to no porn except the few scenes you see in the introduction and some of your sister naked parts plus the kiss, or am I missing something? Should I play it again, because I feel like it


>Rollback disabled? Really annoying. Please, reconsider this choice

This. But there is a backlog. Press Esc and then "history".

>G-strings in a medieval setting? Immersion breaking

I'm not autistic enough about this considering how ugly medieval underwear was, if there was any at all. What is your alternative to make it immersive and still hot?


This is actually quite better than i expected, gonna follow this and see how it goes.


The setup and structure of the game certainly looks good to me. I have great hopes for it. One thing I was curious about was that you don't have exhibitionism or public nudity in your list of fetishes, but that was the first thing I thought of when the game talked about removing inhibitions from the girls. Will any of that be in there?


console commands?


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Listen up, OP. My name Is Kaosu Uzu, I'm the big brain behind Summertime Saga. If you want help making a real game, send me an email over at [email protected]

And don't you dare send me a message unless you can afford my services.


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It was your idea to employ brain dead coders too?



I usually go for the option to disable menu items when I can, but in this instance I wanted them to be more informative. There will also be situations in which choosing an option you don't qualify for will have consequences, even if you are returned to the same menu.

What's weird about the left hand? She's kind of leaning on the bed, but you can't see it because of the framing. Did I miss something important?

The G-string thing is something I did deliberately because medieval underwear would, while being somewhat fresh for the genre, lack some of the sexiness. Sometimes anachronisms are okay. In fact, the very first $10 patron post I wrote on my Patreon is about this very topic.


That I have funds for something doesn't mean I can afford to use them, if that makes sense. I've been dipping into my reserves to make this game, and that's not something I should do. I was honestly quite surprised at how expensive creating just version 0.10 turned out to be.

There's not much in terms of sex in the game yet. I subscribe to the notion that you need the proper buildup for it to be satisfying. I'm not going to take this to the extremes of, say, Dating My Daughter, but the path to fucking won't be straightforward. Having said that, there will be many opportunities to "let off some steam" while working towards your bigger goals in the game. I have to admit that this was on my mind during the entirety of development so far. I knew people would be disappointed if there wasn't any straight up sex in the first build, but at the same time I couldn't just plop it in there since it would ruin what I'm working towards. It'll hopefully pay off in the end, but I can understand that it puts you off.


That is an excellent suggestion. I will write it down and see what I can come up with.



>exhibitionism or public nudity

>an excellent suggestion

Please, make it optional.



But of course.



Why is it costing you anything at all? Learn how to pirate assests, you twat.



>I knew people would be disappointed if there wasn't any straight up sex in the first build

Not exactly, but I only got to cast the spell on my sister on day 3 and she was absent the rest of the game, and that sucked. I didn't want straight sex, but just a kiss was pretty lacking. This is exactly why I wanted to wait.

>That is an excellent suggestion

Outdoors sex is fine, but please don't make it exhibitionism per se. The risk of being exposed is one thing, actually being exposed is completely different. For example, you can build tension on them about to be found, but going full "I enjoy people watching me have sex" is disgusting.


Pirating assets is a pain in the ass and it usually isn't worth it. I mean, pirating them itself is pretty easy, but the problem is if the author of the asset comes to fuck you over.

I'd say he should pirate photoshop, though. I have a portable CS6 cracked version, I can upload it.




It's interesting, getting girls to go naked or less than dressed in public (not necessarily having sex in front of others, I don't really care about that) is one of the first things I look for in these games. Meanwhile, I generally roll my eyes at incest content and hope it's optional, while people on here seem very into it. To each their own.



I hear you. I enjoy games with that kind of public nudity myself, and I can definitely think of interesting ways of including such a concept in this game. It is now officially a part of my design document, and then we'll see where it goes from here.



as long as you don't use renpy.


anyone got the variables for this game?

Like player.courage or something?


>professional software developer with over 10 years experience in delivering successful projects

didnt the witch crab developer say the exact same shit? in fact it seems half the new porn games copy paste this line and put it in their description



The variables don't really do much, if anything, in the current version. When I have implemented a menu where you can see your current stats, that's when they'll mean something. Look for that in a version or two. I won't typically bother implementing a system fully until it is needed by the story, though support for stats is already mostly working underneath the hood.


I did look at some other Patreons to learn how to best present my own, yes. I mean, I would be pretty stupid not to. Reinventing the wheel is a waste of energy and resources, and almost never pays off. That specific line though, that's all mine. You shouldn't be surprised to see developers with 10+ years experience building games like this. It's a rewarding way for us to use what we've learned throughout our careers. It's the same thing with graphics artists, I suspect, and they are more numerous on Patreon than us developers. So yeah, you're seeing a pattern, but it's not the pattern you apparently believe it is.



>You shouldn't be surprised to see developers with 10+ years experience building games like this.

shouldn't I? I mean I'd expect someone a developer with 10+y experience to be working as a senior developer in a big company, not be making shitty porn games on an imageboard next to tropic



Yes, and someone's day job makes a difference to what they do on their spare time how, exactly?



To be fair regular video games especially indie games are such a stagnate cess pool of garbage politics and retard consumers that tropic's shitty image board looks like an oasis in this desert of shit



Ah, I was just trying to see if the various options in prologue are choose able with enough courage and stuffs.

If I were you, I'll put a new game+ option with endgame stats just for romping around the early storyline, after ver. 1.00 of course.

Still, you're doing a great job, this is one of the few western ero-game I could stomach in full and thirst for more. Sexy sisters and pixies ;) anyway if I get some excess moolah I'll be sure to give you some, you've earned it dev.



Thanks a lot! What you're describing about new game+ and keeping stats is exactly what I am intending. The impossible choices at the beginning are there to illustrate that, though I should probably include a tutorial message to make it more explicit (if I haven't already. I can't remember). They are fake right now in that even if you pump up the relevant stats, you won't get access to other content. As development goes by, these choices will lead to interesting new variations on the second playthrough.





Version 0.15 is now out for patrons.



post a link


Well, the Patreon is here:

Since I'm the developer, I'm not going to post links to the update itself since it's supposed to be patron exclusive for a month, so someone else will have to do that. I just wanted to let people know that it exists, at least.



>the dev

I don't believe you. Post a link to prove it.



Are you alive, Dev? Did we stop being of interest for you since you have sweet patreon money?



I'm alive. If you want me to say anything, you might want to ask questions. I'm not going to talk to myself.


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Just checking. But since we are here, how is development coming? Any planned big update or bug fixes so far? How does your build number works? i.e. are you planning using 0.15 then jump to 0.2.10, for example, or how come? What are your future plans in general?

Also, can you post the old callie meet new callie update? It's rather old, so it should be ok. Shitty questions, but I actually didn't expect you to be here.



The next update is 0.20 and will be out this week, hopefully by Friday. It focuses on Primrose, the library girl. The next update after that is 0.30, which will focus on improving the GUI and expanding existing content, setting down the final pieces of the groundwork before I can move the story forward again.

I won't be releasing cut content outside of the Patreon. Sorry. For one thing, I don't want to bring too much attention to concepts that I considered to be not good enough for public release in the first place, but I also want to give my patrons something unique at the higher tiers. Let me explain my reasoning a little:

I will never hide content behind payment tiers, unlike games like Dating My Daughter and its ilk. Everyone, no matter if they are a patron of mine or not, will get ALL the content from this game one month after its patron release, and $5 patrons (and up) will get the full game immediately. There is no additional in-game content for higher tiers, and there never will be. But since I'm not holding back content for those tiers, I need to offer them something else that they might consider to be of value. For $10 patrons that means they get to read my ramblings about game design and LLtP in particular, and they get to participate in polls that help set the course through this game's development. $20 backers get to peek behind the curtains a bit and see things that will never be in the game, or which will be included in a future version. $20 per month is a lot of money, and I feel it would be a colossal disservice to the people who are willing to spend that kind of sum if I released their exclusive content to the public.

But as I said, there will be no in-game content gated behind those tiers. The last thing I want to do is to appear greedy, or have LLtP come off as a cash-grab. I haven't even marketed the game yet beyond starting this thread. Any discussions elsewhere on the internet have been started by other people. My first and foremost concern is to create a good game that people will enjoy. The business aspects come second.



>Everyone, no matter if they are a patron of mine or not, will get ALL the content from this game one month after its patron release

Well, not bad to see something like this. If I worked or had money or independence to spend said money I would definitely donate!

And leak it :^)


"By becoming one of my patrons, you give me both the means and the motivation to continue making this game all that it can be" If you've supposedly already invested your own money as you state wouldn't that be enough motivation to finish it? I mean unless you like tossing all that you've "invested" away. One to many turds on patreon say this.



Why don't you ask yourself the same question in a rephrased form: Would you be willing to toss away more than a year of your free time just to justify that you spent money? If it should turn out that I can't maintain interest in my game enough to reach even that simple goal, then I would have to accept that my game didn't work in the market. Better to throw in the towel than tear myself to pieces because of sheer stubbornness. I'm sorry that you feel people are "turds" because they set a lower limit to the interest that is required to be worth the enormous amount of work and money they need to invest in it.

But you didn't actually consider this before you asked, did you? If you think that I'm somehow obliged to finish this game *at any cost* for your sake, then you are sadly mistaken, and that's on you.

Having said all that, the Patreon growth has been very healthy for a game that I haven't even done much real promotion for. I see no reason to fear that I won't hit my goals eventually.


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>Better to throw in the towel than tear myself to pieces because of sheer stubbornness

If you ever do this, would you consider releasing the source code and the models so anons can do their own shit? Or at the very least try and rush the ending with at least one of the girl's storylines completed? If you're going to give up for whatever reason, it would be nice that someone else can continue what you've done or that you finish at least a fraction of what you planned Make sure to copyright your models so people who wants to make money out of it can BTFO, because if you do release it it should be worked for free as, say, a mod or something, and you can still be in control at some extent.

>If you think that I'm somehow obliged to finish this game *at any cost* for your sake, then you are sadly mistaken, and that's on you

No, but unfinished stuff sucks and I can use Nergal's Nest games as an example. A Zombie's Life is finished, even though he wanted to add more content, and it feels like a completed game even though it doesn't have all the content he wanted to add. On the other hand, Urban Demons was getting interesting and then you hit a wall with no more content or story. That sucks.

You can even compare it to the dozens of unfinished patreon games. I think that if you ever start something, for whatever reason you do, and you have to stop, you should be responsible about it and either hand it to someone else to finish it with your instructions or not or finish it as soon as you can but not as good as you wanted it, it's not an obligation with anyone but yourself as a human bean. Hell, even supermom have the basement build, and even though it fucking sucks, tropic did release it, and you can play it, and reach some really fucked up ending that was meant as a joke or something.

>the Patreon growth has been very healthy for a game that I haven't even done much real promotion for.

I considered promoting your game there before I was banned. But now I'm banned. Dunno if you want the shitty audience over there, and even if you have audience there, I hope you don't listen to those fags.



All right, I hereby promise that if, for some reason, I am unable or unwilling to finish the game, I will release the source for free. That is very unlikely though. As long as there is interest, I *will* follow through and complete this thing. I have the experience and life stability to know that I can do it. I get the impression that many Patreon games fail because of personal issues like depression. I don't have any such issues to deal with, thankfully.

If it's any comfort, I have planned this game so that even if I don't hit any of the advanced Patreon goals I have listed, I can still finish a smaller version of the game that doesn't skimp on the ending. As bigger goals are reached I can expand the game into the larger concept I have in mind. I can partition off pieces of it like this because it's so open in the first place. That's one advantage of not making a linear game, at least.



Reasonable enough, sounds like you even have and end goal and the rest will be just expansions of content. More devs need rational thinking and focus, but then again, most devs just keep adding stuff endlessly with no focus for milking.

>That's one advantage of not making a linear game

Your game still has an objective, though. How soon are you planning to release the whole "Save the queen" thing? If you add that regardless of the content in the middle, it might feel as a completed game.



I have the entire end-game planned and written down in concept form, so I know exactly what I'm heading for. What I don't know is every exact detail of what will and won't matter before we get there. As a result I need to build the story at least somewhat chronologically, which means that the arrival of the Princess will happen very late in development. If I reach goals that result in me expanding the game, I might just add the end-game earlier to make the game feel more complete, as you say. We'll see. It's still too early to make the plans extremely detailed.


File: 85e64b223f53efe⋯.jpg (168.92 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, bg primrose remove inhibit….jpg)

Version 0.20 is out for patrons! I've been working so hard on this that it feels like I could sleep for a week. :)


- New scenes for Primrose (featuring more than 60 new images).

- The current day of the week is now shown when time progresses.

- Disabled the loading of old saves to prevent crashes and story progression issues.

- Lifted the time limit completely for now. It will be reintroduced in a later version.

- Backgrounds now use JPG instead of PNG, reducing the size of the game on disk.

- Tweaked clue names in the code to reduce the risk of accidental spoilers in case of crashes.



Have you considered getting a trip, dev? Also, need any help? I work for free or leftovers, because I'm piss poor and with a lot of time.



>Backgrounds now use JPG instead of PNG, reducing the size of the game on disk.

Bad move, fam. As far as I'm aware, .jpg quality is fucking terrible. Please reconsider, I don't mind the size, and I'm sure you can compress .png a bit more and still conserve the quality. Then again, it's just backgrounds.



I don't really need any help yet, sorry. I prefer to do everything on my own if I can, and so far I do. Thanks though.


I have compressed these JPGs at 90% quality and compared them closely to the original PNGs on my 1440p monitor. It's very, very hard, almost impossible, to see a difference. People don't usually put the quality that high, which gives JPG a bad reputation. The biggest drawback with the format is that it doesn't have an alpha channel, which I need for some of my art such as clue icons and the GUI in general. Those images are still in PNG format.



Look into mozjpeg or guetzli if you want to optimize it further. The latter especially has very high quality:size ratio but the encode times are ludicrous.



I don't see the point of compression. People download gigs of game just fine. And there's that f95 guy who will compress the game if it gets too big. Outsource, man.



People don't like downloading gigs of data for every update of a game like this. Look at feedback on other, similar Patreons for examples of just that. It was actually feedback from players that made me realize that jumping to JPG was a good idea, and trying it out in practice confirmed it.

Also, outsource compression? Just to save the 5 extra seconds it takes to convert a file that I just spent 1 hour rendering? Heh, I don't think so.



Is the fairy tiny and can be romanced/fucked while tiny?

These are very important.



Yes and yes.

And yes.



… But not in this version. Stay tuned :)




Fuck, guess I got to wait a year+ for my obscure and (fairly) tame fetish.

Every single time it's a cop out and they make the fairy big, that's not the point reeeeeeeee



Yeah, that must be why all the >1GB games failed to make money on patreon.

People who complained about the size of the game are usually third-worlders who have severely limited Mega download quota or simply couldn't afford the premium account. They are not people who will pay for your patreon.



Sorry for being poor.

t. brazilian Monkey.


File: 4e6c91b80c63ef5⋯.jpg (109.88 KB, 600x599, 600:599, NOSCALES.jpg)

If you have such shitty internet that a gig seems like a lot of data, then you aren't a member of a relevant demographic, and developers should disregard your complaints.

Frankly, if you live in some third world hellhole i would expect you have bigger problems than not being up to date with hentai games, like vultures flying off with your baby or some such thing.



Do you think third world countries are war-zones with no food or internet anon? They are just like the US but shittier in almost every way. Look at Ecuador, specifically the capital, whereas the rest of the country can pass for Emperor's New Groove, the city is pretty advanced, to the par of some minor cities in US. You can say the same about major cities in south america, like Buenos Aires, Ciudad de Plata, and maybe Santiago de Chile where sadly despite being third world they have first world problems like SJW, ironically enough.

Not like I disagree with you, I'm third worlder with shit internet and a gig isn't a problem, but I always find funny that the first world think of the third world like some inhuman hellhole where you have to survive each day. It's true that a big portion is like that, but most major cities have a pretty standard life. Except for Venezuela, it should burn to the ground already




Let 'em all think that we're poor monkeys living in a hellhole and speak about outdated, seventy year-old concepts like "third-world". Otherwise those fat whiteasses might start coming here with their great policy ideas, like comprehensive social welfare, alimony rights and open-door immigration, let alone endless interventionism in the Middle East, and ruin everybody's future like they have done in Europe and the US.


File: ed593f3d7527fec⋯.webm (5.43 MB, 488x272, 61:34, niggers on the wild.webm)


You say it like that isn't a problem in south america already, Third-world is a concept that still applies today, have you seen fucking mexicans? Since they are the face of most south america I'm not surprised that's what anons believe, and even when major cities are alright, the rest of those countries are literally jungles and semi-naked people, and then there's african and asian countries that are actually a lot worse.

I guess that south american is a borderline, but African or Asia don't have excuses unless someone can prove otherwise.



I don't understand how mexicans are the face of south america considering they are in NA

fucking burgers and their burger education



I'm south american and when I think about south america I think 2 things: Jungles and sombreros.


Version 0.2 is now available to everyone, and version 0.3 is available to patrons.

Version 0.2 link:!4shm3bZK!MldxGZmxgSW0ZNVN0pFgLcE8NRJcBUuIUnhPVKDkS9c

Version 0.3 link:

Changelog version 0.2:

- New scenes for Primrose (featuring more than 60 new images).

- The current day of the week is now shown when time progresses.

- Disabled the loading of old saves to prevent crashes and story progression issues.

- Lifted the time limit completely for now. It will be reintroduced in a later version.

- Backgrounds now use JPG instead of PNG, reducing the size of the game on disk.

- Tweaked clue names in the code to reduce the risk of accidental spoilers in case of crashes.

Changelog version 0.3:

- Expanded main storyline.

- New scenes with Belle.

- New scenes with the Crone.

- New scenes with Thaddeus.

- Short new scenes with Evelyn, Callie, and Primrose.

- Minor additions to Remove Inhibitions for Evelyn, Callie, and Primrose.

- Revamped user interface now lets you access inventory, abilities, and see the current day and time.

- Updated certain older scenes to utilize the new inventory system.

- Also added ability restrictions to some of these scenes.

- All rollback restrictions have been lifted for the time being.

- Significant code changes to prepare for the loading of old saves in future versions of the game.

- Added brief note when reaching the end of certain types of content. Because this is a non-linear game, such warnings will not appear for all content. If you find yourself grinding to discover new scenes, odds are you have seen everything.

- Fixed a few typos.



Retarded found!!

Are you joking don't you because i haven't laughed like this in years.

Mexico location is in america but preciselly is in central america i think that because most people say that mexico is located in america USA think is part of their country,fuck their egos USA should take the head of their asses



Thanks for the update, dev.


Sweatback found. Mexico is shit and big part of it should be for US already. Your country is a waste of space. Also, central america is no different from south america, and everything bellow US is a shit hole anyway.


so how do you get lessons from the witch? probably not in this version 2 I am guessing



>Fairy is fairy sized and stays that way in sex scenes

>Phoenix wright style finding evidence and confronting people about their lies and secrets

Oh shit, I had fun.

It's been so long…

Keep the fairy small and throw her a romance path/route and I'm sold



you forgot to post 0.3, dev. :P





This guy got no chill


This game is making quite a bit of money on Patreon. Is anyone here a patreon? Does anyone have any news?


File: 03d8fc20c235483⋯.png (50.61 KB, 1134x333, 126:37, betrayed.PNG)

I feel betrayed.



betrayed because (s)he has pledgers that don't give you free shit or because (s)he has said things on f95 that patrons don't know about?


File: 9d1620295ed9a84⋯.jpg (69.09 KB, 680x449, 680:449, 9d1620295ed9a84e21b0a280ec….jpg)


Because he fucking post on Fag95 on the first place. The content of that post doesn't matter, is the fact that the post exist.



>This game is making quite a bit of money on Patreon.

lul. I just can't imagine spending a single dime for porn when there are probably hundreds of terabytes of free porn in existence. Also,

was breeding season not enough? Does breeding season need to occur again and again and again before the message of patreon scammers sets in? This is why we need eugenics, because relatively smart people and relatively dumb people both consume the relatively same amount of resources, with only one of the two contributing to anything meaningful.



Hundreds of terabytes(huge understatement) of free porn in existence, that don't make me hard. For me, gone are the day when brazzers could get me going. What do?

I actually never paid for porn, but thank fuck there are people who do, I owe you all.



bet you saw an add or two on a porn site once. thats how you paid your share for porn. as most of us have done.


Version 0.3.1 was released to non-patrons today, alongside version 0.4.0 for patrons.

Version 0.3.1:!0gYmhCDT!ZQTpGfQGofzR1bz3iU0W72vd02xwW2oE_9YjtABndxY

Version 0.4.0:

Changelog 0.4.0:

- Added two new girls (Samarra and Nell) and some of their core events (featuring more than 110 new images). Please note that the new girls are not available until after a few days into the story.

- Added the first stage of agility training.

- Slightly expanded Callie's changing room scene.

- Slightly expanded Evelyn's night scene.

- Slightly expanded Primrose's night scene.

- Loading old saves (from version 0.3.0 and up) should now work. Some changes may still cause old saves to break, depending on where you saved.

- Updated graphics for Evelyn's night scenes.

- Added text to show when an ability check is successful. Not all checks will display these messages.

- Primrose's schedule extended beyond two weeks.

- Minor tweaks to first conversation with Thaddeus if it occurs later than expected.

- Placeholder next/previous page buttons on clue screen if you somehow have more than 15 clues.

- Minor bugfixes


File: 729d9b47fea4d79⋯.gif (133.55 KB, 340x340, 1:1, tehe.gif)

Hey dev here. Sorry I forgot the new links in my previous post.!g0gSwY7B!ho2KpWETkjSLNzw09QemIBebng5e-sez8_NzOPWOs28!B1JXCYrY!hD_P1a1FwbSkzReTTcrJ4t5U_OLzImQH0UKPFex1yfg



Bullshit. Dev fucked off to Fag95.



I believe it.

Everyone already assumes thread OPs are devs are shilling their games, might as well as be one every now and again.






What if you just get good?



I downloaded this last night and played it for like 5 hours straight until I was convinced I exhausted all the content.

I like where its going, but was really let down how much time I put into it with pretty much no action (sex with 1 person 1 time, a handjob, and a pixie hugging a cock, and a couple sneaky views of girls sleeping).

While I did like the messages about "This persons dark secret hasnt been added to this version yet" there still was a lot of "have I actually unlocked all the scenes of this build yet?" which was annoying as I kept repeating certain things hoping for slightly different results.

Please tell me you get to split that pixie in half with your dick at some point



This is one of the negatives of creating an open game in the way I'm doing. Because of this structure, there will be fewer sex scenes early on. Unlike with games like DMD, where the developer is deliberately holding back the sex to blueball his audience, the reason I'm doing it is because I (for the most part) haven't reached the point in the story where this would make sense. We're really, really close now, though. The sexual content has already ramped up dramatically with 0.4, and it's only going to get better from here. And yes, there will be some kind of opportunity to "split" Belle at some point.

Remember that the game had only been out for 3 months when the build you played was published. We're super early in development yet, so we can't expect too much at the moment. I can't wait to see how big the game will become this year.



>git gud




Anyone who isn't an idiot would know that, that's why you don't play early builds unless you want to spoil yourself. I said this earlier, but I thought it would have been better to develop a single girl until the end instead of all of them at once just to have at least a single fuckable scene.


What if you actually play the game?



Developing a single girl to the end would not be possible because of how this game is designed. The girls and their stories/requirements are intertwined and depend heavily on both story development and skills. Each area of the game needs to grow to create the foundation that the girls can stand on, and there's not really any way around that without sacrificing some of the qualities that make this game what it is. In truth, I have focused the vision somewhat to do something similar to what you're talking about, but it still means that I need to develop a group of girls at once. There are many more girls planned who I will introduce later, some of whom will be available from the very beginning of the story.


File: c9fe2930feb657f⋯.jpg (125.73 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, bg s027p028.jpg)

Version 0.4.0 was released to non-patrons today, alongside version 0.5.0 for patrons.

Version 0.4.0:!g0gSwY7B!ho2KpWETkjSLNzw09QemIBebng5e-sez8_NzOPWOs28

Version 0.5.0:

Changelog 0.5.0:

- Agility training now goes up to level 4.

- New mechanic for the Perversity abiilty.

- Night scenes for Evelyn and Primrose fully implemented up to Agility 4 and Perversity 4.

- Music: Added a main menu theme and a dynamic theme for spell logic. More music will be added in later versions.

- SFX: Added a variety of different ambiances to spice up several locations. As with music, more will be added later.

- Expanded the preferences menu with sliders for music, sound, and ambience, plus a mute button. Note that the Sound slider currently has no effect.

- Added a new perspective to Samarra's sex scene.

- Modified Evelyn's breast reveal scene.

- Fixed a major problem with Samarra's hair, replacing many images from 0.4.

- Bug fixes



Now let's wait for someone non-dev to post 0.5.0.

>Dev goes to next version before he post the last one for free

Not sure if being fast or just being greedy, I hope it's the former. Also, do you estimate a time for the game to be done, dev? How many versions do you think the game will have before it's main story line is finished with the 3 main girls you added?



I don't even understand what you're talking about with that "go to next version before he post the last one for free" thing. The free version is always released exactly one month after the release of the patron version, and I release one patron version each month. The two releases have fallen on the same day by pure chance these last two months. I'm not being greedy or trying to fuck you over. I established the rules for these releases when I first launched this game, and I've been sticking with them, even if it has meant putting aside every single one of my hobbies for the past 6 months. I'm sorry that's not good enough for you.

I don't honestly know when the game is going to be finished. There are no "3 main girls" though. They were just the ones we started with, nothing more. They aren't any more or less important than the game's other girls (of which far from all have been introduced). I expect to still be working on the game at the end of 2018, but we might have reached an ending for the story at that point, even if development will continue for a bit past that point. I'm not going to drag the game out. My plans are ambitious but well defined (in my personal game design document).


File: 4e47144e02d4703⋯.jpg (49.16 KB, 720x710, 72:71, a0b6b9471da3b1d783d3bd3968….jpg)


>The free version is always released exactly one month after the release of the patron version, and I release one patron version each month

>The two releases have fallen on the same day by pure chance these last two months

This is what I meant. That means you work fast, but I wasn't sure if that was the case.

>They were just the ones we started with, nothing more

As you pointed out here >>36408 You did that since the stories intertwine with each other, which is why you are developing a group of them first. My question was when will their stories reach an end before you move to the next one, or if you'll add another group before finishing them. I admit it was crap formatting, but I'm glad to know there might be an end at that point, though. I know I was rude, but it was banter, faggotsorry :(



We should start seeing the end of some girls' stories once the MC is able to train his Invade Mind spell to its limit, but this depends on how complex the girl's content is and how involved she is in the main story. The more peripheral a girl is to the plot, the higher the chance she gets finished early. Generally, expect most of the girls to get finished towards the end of development. You will soon start to see why these things are so complex. As we begin to delve into the large secrets, solving them is no longer something that can be done in isolation.


File: b2531b3b4807c0f⋯.png (159.18 KB, 955x524, 955:524, Zolp80Fikl8FOqxT-aLnmsi0Qr….png)


>The more peripheral a girl is to the plot, the higher the chance she gets finished early.

So if it's a secondary girl it might get finished first. I don't have a problem with that. And I figured there was some grand plot behind everything from 0.1, but I didn't though it was relevant for the queen arrival, I mean, I thought getting all secrets would trigger the true ending or something. Either way, nice to see a dev that doesn't melt right away with a bit of criticism and isn't bought entirely by compliments. Pic related, never become him.

On that point, though, it's amazing the game is good enough to not warrant even a bit of hate from H8chan.



Thanks! I've been waiting for this. Does it need a new save?



No, any save made from version 0.3 and later should be compatible with later versions. There might be exceptions to this in the future, but you should be okay with your old save for now.


Can you fuck the sister, yet?



No one going to post? Okay I'll do it.




File: f0cbf0c61f3726b⋯.png (413.62 KB, 960x1361, 960:1361, Tv Danberu.png)

Played it, liked it until now.

The only negative criticism I have is the molesting scenes at night and I have to say that is because it feels like you are molesting a doll, since they are sleeping and completely passive, I think it is no fun. I would rather do other types of action at night, or, making use of the sleep to watch her dreams, or interact with them in the dreams (the mc is a mage). Imagine tempting the lesbian away from the pussies with your cock in her dreams, or the myriad of things passing through Primrose's head. All that said, I reckon that the fantasy of molesting sleeping girls must be alluring to some. Just not much for me.

As for what I really liked.

Primrose cleaning in her undies

Nell on the roofs

The investigation plot., with its secrets. I really liked that.

The sex with the fairy and the banter with her

The MC getting bolder and growing a spine.



>The only negative criticism I have is the molesting scenes at night and I have to say that is because it feels like you are molesting a doll

Only because you've never actually tried molesting someone at night while they were sleeping. Shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about, idiot



>The only negative criticism I have is the molesting scenes at night and I have to say that is because it feels like you are molesting a doll, since they are sleeping and completely passive, I think it is no fun. I would rather do other types of action at night

Understandable. This is why the sleep molestation scenes are completely optional, and should continue to be so in the future. I'm also going to focus on other things for a few updates since the last ones have focused so much on this part of the game.



>Only because you've never actually tried molesting someone at night while they were sleeping.

Do you want to confess something to the police, kind anon?


Sorry if I sounded harsh. In porn it is impossible to have a tag that satisfies everybody, still they are the game selling points so I thought of giving some feedback on the ero scenes (which came down to which flavors I like). Still, thinking better about it, since it was a proposal of the game since its beginning you can't remove the night molestations.

Keep up the good work.



it would probably be more interesting if there were a chance of her waking up like in ye olde flash games


>this level of discourse




>Well, your approach would probably be smarter from a business standpoint, but I don't feel like it would be honest from an integrity standpoint. 1.0, in my book, means feature complete (which could still mean that it's an alpha or beta). Long Live the Princess is far from feature complete.

you should look at the Tomb Raider 2 demo gameplay, shit does not make it into the game


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


whoops that was tomb raider 3 demo


File: 50d9cacdc767c09⋯.jpg (110.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, evelyn.jpg)

Version 0.6.0 is now out for patrons. Because it features the first appearance of branching paths and actual consequences for your choices, make sure you save at the beginning if you want to see everything.


- You can now train with the Crone so that you can reveal a person's large secrets.

- Many new scenes for Evelyn, including her large secret.

- New scenes for Thaddeus.

- Courage training now goes up to level 3.

- The abilities screen now displays the maximum available ability levels for the current version of the game.

- Music: Added three new musical tracks.

- Tweaked and improved a selection of early renders that weren't up to the standards of images made since then.

- Minor tweaks and fixes.



Can you fuck the sister, yet?



>Version 0.6.0 is now out for patrons

how about someone post a link for them non-patrons?



Yes, actually.



(save before telling her your feelings)


Is there a guide to the game somewhere? I can't make much progress.



where you stuck at?



Are there new scenes for anyone besides Evelyn?

Can you reveal anyone's large secrets besides Evelyn?



Nothing worth mentioning.



still no link


File: d35bc8ebbb24610⋯.gif (641.01 KB, 343x303, 343:303, c86d2371f2bd15188e71cb29de….gif)


This is great, but I don't see any option anywhere to train stats. Where is the option to train courage/agility/etc, and how do I use it?



They aren't supposed to be immediately obvious, and it varies just how available they are in the beginning. You can find courage training by spending time with Evelyn once. Agility training becomes available after a set amount of days, so you can't miss it. Perversity training is related to Primrose's small secret. Solve it and you should get some idea of what to do. Charisma is a book in the library.


File: 43b23b71bc72d54⋯.jpg (195.89 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 43b23b71bc72d5487456cf4fd1….jpg)

It's quite interesting really,the dev went from this really cheerful,overly polite posting,to this cold,formal way of typing,even got a bit bitter there just because one faggot couldn't into reading comprehension kek

You're not out of the fire yet,but you've delivered more then i expected when i first saw the thread a few months ago,hang in there,keep up the good work



You should learn to leave spaces after fucking comas.

And the dev doesn't post here anymore other than to post news for some obligation or shit like that. Now he has a lot of attention on fag95. He should just stay there.




I'm mostly just posting news about the project in here because there is next to no discussion and practically no questions to find. If you guys feel like I've abandoned you, that's entirely on your shoulders. I check in here multiple times per day, but if there's no discussion, there's nothing for me to add to it. There is nothing innately special about this place that makes me want to treat it any different from other forums for discussion on the internet.

I'd love to answer questions and talk about the game, but I'm not going to talk to a wall. You want to talk? Well, what do you want to talk about? Keep in mind that I ignore smartasses. I'll be thrilled to chat with anyone who wishes to engage me in a genuine discussion though.

For those who feel insulted that I participate in other forums: grow a spine, you little crybabies. If I hurt your precious feelings because you so desperately crave attention, that says more about you than it does about me.


File: f0d229b75b20c46⋯.gif (1.24 MB, 320x213, 320:213, 1455589587594.gif)


>I feel insulted because you post on Fag95

>not that you're a fucking faggot for using Fag95

>somehow this means my feelings are hurt

Porn devs, everyone

**oh wait, he does't talk to smartasses, guess this won't get a response''



well keep up the good work dev. I kind of check this thread like once a month and haven't played anything since like ver 2

but yeah waiting on when I can finally make that cutie librarian strip naked for me in private


File: fd5bb5c44c6f103⋯.jpg (91.49 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, last christmas i gave you ….jpg)


I can't believe you are cheating on us. How could you do that?



Me too, but you know I'm going to make it happen. It's actually relatively close, but I'm currently focused on a different aspect of the story. Primrose is on my list of priorities.


File: 5a0180d812af9a4⋯.png (74.11 KB, 470x427, 470:427, shot_180207_190502.png)


>yandev posting in response to somebody saying keep up the good work


When the MC and fairy eventually fuck the spell to make them the same size(MC small, or fairy larger) should wear off mid action. They should then get stuck until the MC cumming sends her shooting across the room.



sounds hillarious and fappable at the same time. well done, anon



I have to admit, I love the concept of that idea. I'll have to remember that for later in development.


Hi dev. Just a few ideas

}crotchless/cupless lingerie for the fashion show

}gradually shift the clothing shop into a sex shop

}public stuff

}good ol' x-ray spell

keep it up


You should be able to convince Callie that she would have fun with you and another girl.




Some of this stuff (or variations of it) is planned for future updates. There will be lots of fun and surprising things to do involving some of the characters, Callie included.




wuddabout windoaks?



My thoughts exactly.

Never trust a dev.




thx m8


bumping for naked butt floor cleaning.


File: 5f7228e04210e51⋯.jpg (78.39 KB, 557x800, 557:800, Plaster Girl.jpg)

Also some inspiration for future fashion shows. Dmitrys can draw women quite well when he doesn't put dicks on them.



when is .7? in a week?



man face tbh



Read the Patreon pages before asking dummy

>Next Public Release

>Version 0.7.0: End of April



This week for patrons, end of April for non-patrons.


File: 4d2ee9816c4ac5c⋯.gif (5.11 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 4d2ee9816c4ac5c7fbf60dee67….gif)


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Version 0.7.0 is now out for patrons:



does anyone have the changelog already? so i know if i should anticipate the eventual pirated release.

obviously download would be even better



Sorry, I forgot to include the changelog. Thanks for pointing that out.

Changelog 0.7.0:

- New character (dryad) and her scenes.

- Map system implemented for travel outside of town.

- New scene for Aldred.

- New ability and its training scenes.

- Added a new hunting mechanic.

- Mystery scene.

- Belle may now give you hints to help you discover how to train your abilities.

- Fixed a bug where you could get stuck on an empty clue page.

- Minor bug fixes and improvements.


There was a bug in 0.7.0 causing old saves to not be able to use the new map. If you already downloaded 0.7.0, please download the new 0.7.1 instead. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Changelog 0.7.1:

- The map should now be available when loading old saves.



thanks a lot.

i totally dig nell by the way, not only for looks but for being overall adorable. maybe my favorite character over all the games i played recently. she's not even a loli. or little sister.



Thank you! I wanted to do something different with the classic innocent girl trope. Nell is actually both important and competent. A lot of people seem to like her a lot, which is very nice to see.



How much content is there in this version? I played the like 0.3 version and there was nothing at all



Well, judging by word count alone, the current version of the game is longer than Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and slightly shorter than Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. It's going to keep you busy for at least one long evening unless you skip text for some reason.


One complaint I have is that the map functionality isnt obvious. You have to leave town and then the new UI button, that doesnt even look like a map, works.

I also cant find the "mystery scene"


compared to 0.3 there are a bunch of scenes.

you can even fuck the sister I would save before the scene and then reload though, because she disappears afterwards.



> One complaint I have is that the map functionality isnt obvious.

Yeah, it's not obvious if you load an existing save. However, I did expand the tutorial with a section where you must learn how to use it to proceed, so anyone who starts a new game with 0.7.0 or later versions will be familiar with it by the time they leave the tutorial. I went back and forth on adding a regular menu option to allow alternate access to the map, but decided against it. I might still change my mind, depending on feedback.



How much words?



Roughly 83,000.



found the mystery scene

visit the river location on the map in the afternoon. just a girl washing herself, with teaser that there will be more content



Yup, that's the one.


File: e74cc3e7dc22c9b⋯.jpg (193.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, fairy_queen.jpg)

Version 0.8.1 is now out for patrons:


- The new river scene will now correctly trigger for existing saves.


- Erato will now take you to meet the Fairy Queen.

- Repeatable followup scene at the river.

- Samarra's dialogue has been completely rewritten.

- Belle should no longer refer to the MC as a virgin after he has gotten laid.

- Added ambient sound to the river and the forest.

- Two new musical tracks.



Thanks anon. How much content there is in the game as of now? I always wait for a significant part to be finished, like the main story for example.



I'd say we're still in the first half of the main story, though it's a little hard to estimate since it's told in a non-linear fashion. There's plenty of content, though. It'll keep you occupied for multiple hours. To give you a basic idea of its current size, the word count, as of 0.8.1, is 87324. That's the length of a short novel, and longer than both the first Harry Potter novels.



F95 fucks are too busy fondling the dev's cock to post a link of the 8.0.



anyone gotta mega?



Not on f95 yet.



It's on svs though so if anyone has premium on the hosts they use they could rehost on mega..





File: 49804859e73ecd6⋯.png (104.3 KB, 307x244, 307:244, 49804859e73ecd690ae753d82e….png)

>that Fairy queens plot twist


Is there any plans on adding NTR to the game?



But does this amount of words refer to the game text or number of words written in the programming script?



There is an easily avoidable and optional NTR-light event in the game right now. If you don't like it, the game rewards you for avoiding it.


Just dialogue. The game script is irrelevant for stuff like that.


how much contents in this shit so far



>Including NTR on it

Fuck you. Dropped.


File: 899405b098ab6ed⋯.png (282.16 KB, 578x572, 289:286, 1461356062073.png)

>watching the knife ears squirm



You can NTR the fairy king with the fairy queen. There is a scene where you can let your sister be taken advantage by the envoy.


I have some feedback for the dev if he's still around.

First off, there are cases where you talk to Belle out loud when there's someone in the same room. (I should have made a note of when, I'm sorry, but it's pretty early on)

Then I think the game desperately needs a skip button, or at least a choice to auto skip text you've already seen. I know that's probably coming anyway, but you might want to do it sooner rather than later.

Also, I totally get the point of giving you a choice you can't yet pick in the tutorial, but to me at least it was off-putting as a first impression. In the rest of the game it's implemented excellently, both in places where you try to do something and fail because of a skill you're lacking or when you don't have the skill for something and the game shows it as a locked option. It's just you might wanna, I don't know, either find a different way to explain it or put it in anywhere but the very beginning.

Other than that it's pretty fucking great so far. I think you've done some pretty clever things with the gameplay to where even the grinding (if you can even call them that) parts give you choice and don't feel like a chore. Keep it up!



>I have some feedback for the dev if he's still around.

I'm still around, have no fear.

>First off, there are cases where you talk to Belle out loud when there's someone in the same room. (I should have made a note of when, I'm sorry, but it's pretty early on)

I usually do this deliberately when it happens. In cases where you could argue that magic is preventing the other character from noticing or you could argue that the player might be standing in a corner and whispering, I use the regular dialogue. The main reason I try to do this as often as possible is because it makes dialogue flow better. I might come up with some other solution in the future. This is still a work in progress, after all.

>Then I think the game desperately needs a skip button, or at least a choice to auto skip text you've already seen. I know that's probably coming anyway, but you might want to do it sooner rather than later.

The skip button is Ctrl, like in almost every visual novel ever. You can configure its behavior in the settings, but the default is to let you skip only seen text.

>Also, I totally get the point of giving you a choice you can't yet pick in the tutorial, but to me at least it was off-putting as a first impression.

I'm going to give this part of the game another look at some point. It's there to prepare for the eventual New Game+, but that might end up dealing with the intro in a different way. We'll see.

>Other than that it's pretty fucking great so far.

Thank you! :)



>I usually do this deliberately when it happens.

I see. It's just not really obvious then. I don't know maybe someone else picked up on that but I sure didn't.


Yup, I meant like an on screen button. I mostly use a mouse for visual novels so having something I can click would be nice.



sup Dev, I want to make primrose my slave already but I'll keep waiting

thats it, just some whining from me



>Yup, I meant like an on screen button. I mostly use a mouse for visual novels so having something I can click would be nice.

Ah, I see what you mean. I removed most of the regular interface buttons you get from Ren'py since I'm fond of clean interfaces, but I can see where that would be useful. I'll give it some thought.

>sup Dev, I want to make primrose my slave already but I'll keep waiting

You'll be glad to know that more Primrose content is coming in version 0.9 then.


Wow, this game is actually good. Why is it posted here?



>visual novel with 3D models


"Okay" at best.


>Introducing Side Stories. A new spell will allow you to experience the memories of characters you meet as if you were them. This will allow you to learn more about them and their darkest secrets. This means lots of new sex scenes, of course.

oh here is the cuck shit then



>Playing female MCs

>Watch as they get fucked



Fuck this.


The women in this game are all ugly as hell and look really old, except for the fairy. Is that what you were going for? Trying to make the game realistic or some shit? Because if so, you nailed it, they all look realistically ugly.



Lesbian friend look pretty.



the half-fairy asian type girl is damn sexy, dont know what you mean. The fairy queen doesnt look old, the library girl doesnt, and, heck, its almost easier to list the "old" looking girls.

Unless you were expecting pedo loli shit there is no reason to complain.

personally totally fine with loli though




took longer than usual but there it is



Fuck off, cuck.



It's a sex scene that involves the MC's sister. The MC isn't secretly fucking her or anything. If you want the sister for your own sickness then you simply tell the other guy to fuck off and he does.

Are you part of the "every female in the setting is the MC's bitch" faction?



No, but it's still a waste of resources to add cuckshit to games, not to mention that it's still cuckshit. Just because it's (((optional))) doesn't make it any less bad.



>waste of resources to add cuckshit to games

lmao this nigga dont even pledge, talkin bout resources, gonna get plenty of schekles when he introduces glorious cuck content so dont worry babe



>the half-fairy asian type girl is damn sexy, dont know what you mean.

I forgot about her but yeah I agree she's by far the most attractive one, the half looking asian girl. Also the other Asian looking forest/Dryad w.e the hell she is green chick is good looking. Them and the fairy are the only models I like. He seems to do Asian models well, but I don't like how he models the majority of the white chicks. The sister and the lesbian chick are ugly to me, the librarian is like a 6.5/10, the black knight chick is not my type so I won't bother judging(not into black chicks or manly muscle chicks).

I know it's subjective, I'm just giving my opinion. If people like them then w.e, I'm good with fapping to the adorable half asian chick, she's my favorite anyways, but she doesn't have nearly enough scenes.



>lmao this nigga dont even pledge

So what? I bet you believe "you vote with your wallet", goyim.



>So what?

so then if it turns out adding cuckshit increases donations to cover the cost it wont be an issue?



It's an issue because it's cuck shit.



I remember when the dev came here and didn't include


in his list of fetishes. Fuck this dude.



>lesbian chick are ugly to me

But she's the best one.


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jokes aside lets be fair there is no good discusion to have on 8chan i dont blame the dev for using a other site this post proved his point tbh that being said i dont like how mods handle things in fag95 as well but my dude its either 8chan or fag95 and in feg95 he atleast can get feedback here all he will see is compleining



>in feg95 he atleast can get feedback

>here all he will see is compleining


>go to fag95

>come out a cuck

top kek.



In f95 there is a bias in favor of the developer. I do not know why, but it seems that there the comments tend to be more "constructive" and not always that is good.

Here at htg, taking away the complaints that have become memes, there is brutal honesty and this is very valuable.


The cuck content is that thing of seeing the past of the girls? Technically that is not cuckolding, but for the player the feeling that passes is the same. And probably people who find it interesting have tendencies to be cucks.



The scenes aren't particularly long. The MC doesn't need to be the only one fucking to make a porn game. The plot was a lot better for Thaddius than the MC.

>Thaddius gets seduced by MC's sister and gets a blowjob/gets to fuck her ass.

>Sister that hates incest gets molested in her sleep or mind controlled by the MC to do sexy things.

The game barely has any sex scenes at the moment and this not-actually-cuckshit-at-all content adds two scenes and a kiss to it.



Could add another dynamic to it as well, did she really only fuck him for the benefit of the city or was she in love or lust and told the character that to make him feel better




Changelog 0.9.0:

Added the game's first timed event on day 17. Most of the additions in this update occur during this event, so you won't see the new features until that day.

Added a small secret to Samarra, and large secrets to both Samarra and Primrose.

Added Remove Inhibitions for Samarra.

Slightly expanded Primrose's Remove Inhibitions effects.

Added an investigation mechanic for the timed event.

Samarra's tent is now available as a daytime location.

Removed the search options at the training grounds and the stables for now since they have no effect.

Redid the underwear cleaning renders of Primrose

Minor tweaks and fixes.




>All these updates

>Still can't fuck the fairy even though she's begging for it

Just add a recurring scene already jesus


So…is this a game where 1.0 will actually mean a complete first build or….?


Dev here. Sorry for not being the first to update you guys about the new version. I released it just before bedtime, so I wouldn't have been available to answer questions. I wasn't expecting someone else to post about it before I had a chance, but here we are.


Yes, once I release version 1.0, that will be a complete and final version of the game, though I'm likely going to keep tweaking it for a while after since I can be a bit of a perfectionist.

However, your question implies that you expect the *next* version to be version 1.0. That is not the case. The next version will be 0.10. Don't look at the numbers as some indication of how much work is left. It's just a number (NOT a decimal number though) that increases by 1 every month. The first value indicates major versions, where 1 will be the first full version of the game. The second value is the minor version, incrementing by 1 for every significant update. The final value is reserved for hotfixes that only fix bugs but don't add any new features.

I'd say we're *roughly* halfway through the game so far. Maybe a little more, maybe a little less.



Will I see all the new content if I load a save from the previous version or do I have to start over? I suspect I might have saved after day 17.



You'll see all the content. Don't worry. I make these updates so that they'll be compatible with existing saves. Any events that are supposed to trigger at certain days will instead trigger at the first possible opportunity if that day has passed.



That's awesome! Thank you.



Haing played it, gotta say I really liked th plot behind Samarra and Primrose in this update. My only criticism is that it could have better lewds for those secrets. Maybe in future updates?



Thanks! The story and puzzling was so large and complex in this update that I didn't have time to handle those things, so the rewards and consequences for what happened in 0.9 will come in the next version, most likely.


The girl bathing in the river stopped showing up (she woke up when I molested her). Do I have to start a new game to molest her again?



Yeah, she's gone for good if you wake her up, though you will get a chance to meet her again during other circumstances.



anyway to get the sis back after you fuck her? or is that not til later?



She makes it clear that she's gone for good in her letter. You should avoid doing what you did to make her leave. Later versions of the game will give you ways to seduce her without making her leave, but it's not possible right now.



Wait, you can actually fuck the sister? How do you do that? I need to know.



Don't be a cuck by interrupting Littlefinger and your sister and then announce your true feelings for her. If you're a cuck you don't get the scene because fuck you.



Of course I interrupted the fucking cuck-shit, but she rejected me when "I told her my true feelings." If there is no other trick to it I may just have reloaded too early (before the scene started), I'll go check that now.




No, still doesn't work. There has to be something else you have to do to get this scene.



Nevermind. All you have to do is wait until after you've gone to sleep.



Yeah. I should have said she initiates the scene at night.



Well fuck, I figured she would just show up again later.

So is the "best route" going to be cockblocking Littlefinger then not telling her about your feelings, then slowly seducing her over time?



One of the clues you pick up for her is "She hates incest" which I don't recall ever being used in the current version, so, yeah, my guess is that it'll be used to soften her views towards incest and you can fuck her without having her run off.



Or, wait, do you use that during her cult secret? I can't remember anymore. Anyway, the chances are that she'll have a proper route.


why does the sister is so upset about incest?

it have no fucking sense that she reject MC just to fuck with him the same fucking night

why is the one upset about incest the sister instead of the librerian?

i'm think his father is probably fucking her, or at least he want to because she seemed to have experience with kissing dudes

also she sayed he wanted to fuck her since her mother died

it makes a lot more sense that way

so why is it the sister and not the librerian?



i'm pretty sure the idea is that she hates incest so much because she is/has been attracted to her own brother


She's a closet incest-degenerate who's in denial

She need to constantly remind everyone (especially herself) that incest is the worst-thing ever to think she's a normie



The librarian is probably against incest too, or at least got rid of her father with the romantic novels, it's just that the MC is not her brother. Isn't she a virgin though? She says that he wouldn't leave her alone and she was getting scared, it's been a while since I last played so I'm not sure, so maybe he was just angry and was getting violent.

And now I'll leave for six months and hopefully when I come back the game will be another 10% closer to being finished and the dev will be good and not add voyeurism nor cuck shit



When you finger the librarian while she sleeps on the nights her father is drunk, MC just sticks his finger right in. When you attempt to finger the sister, MC refuses to go too far for worry of tearing her hymen.

I'm not one to read too much into things, but there are definite implications there.



>reddit spacing

that's the retardest thing i've ever heard

i've always been attracted to my mother, but i'm not moralfagging on incest



The difference is that you're not a woman.



what's the fucking difference?

you're saying that if the sister wanted to fuck him instead of the other way he'd be okay with it?



I'm saying that, even though you might not use it very often, you're still capable of rational thought.


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>i've always been sexually attracted to my own mother, but you don't see me moralfagging around about incest

Can we make this a banner please?


File: cff910b0c3e3843⋯.jpg (23.98 KB, 574x581, 82:83, CzQhyeKXEAAKSUq.jpg)


You're sick. Having incest as a fetish is ok, being actually attracted to someone related to you isn't.


Hey guys does anyone know where you can find the NTR scenes?



>incest is okay cuz it's not real

i bet your the kind of cucks who thinks loli is okay



>Thinking loli isn't OK on 4x2chan.

That said people who don't understand real life incest are those who have hideous relatives.



Only cucks think loli isn't okay.



Use windows search feature, search for "*.mp4" in your computer, that should do it

You do not even deserve the (You)

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