{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"85853","titolo":"\/0040\/ - Explain to me how Bob Black isn't a mad genius. My main complaint with it is it's just anarcho primitivism 2.0 electric boogaloo","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2019-10-26] \/0040\/ - Explain to me how Bob Black isn't a mad genius. My main complaint with it is it's just anarcho primitivism 2.0 electric boogaloo [ \/ 0040 \/ ]\n[ tor \/ irc ] [ about \/ rules] \/0040\/ - Love and RageAgainst all hierachy Posting mode: Reply [Return]Name EmailSubjectSpoiler ImageCommentFileEmbedPassword (For file deletion.)Pls read the rules and the about page before making new threadsWe're going to be doing maintenance on the site in the next couple days. Be prepared for some potential planned outages in the evenings (Pacific Standard Time)Riseup has released a statement about their canary[ Return \/ Go to bottom ]\nFile: 1488391281323.jpg (141.41 KB, 640x480, Bob_Black_(2011_BAAB).JPG)\nPost Leftism Anonymous 03\/01\/17 (Wed) 18:01:21\u00a0No.1965Explain to me how Bob Black isn't a mad genius. My main complaint with it is it's just anarcho primitivism 2.0 electric boogaloo>>Anonymous 03\/01\/17 (Wed) 23:31:03\u00a0No.1973\nI like Black I think he's a good writer but it just feels like it can nev...","url":"http:\/\/dfgx6vnyxqg3h36d.onion\/0040\/res\/1965.html"}]}