{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"851029","titolo":"\n #14139 (Tor browser shares its last search term with other browsers on OSX)\n \u2013 Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki\n ","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2018-05-30] #14139 (Tor browser shares its last search term with other browsers on OSX)\n\u2013 Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki\nSearch:\nLoginPreferencesHelp\/GuideAbout TracRegisterForgot your password?\nView TicketsRoadmapTimelineWikiSearchTags\nContext Navigation\n\u2190 Previous TicketNext Ticket \u2192\nOpened 3 years ago\nLast modified 6 months ago\n#14139\nnew\ndefect\nTor browser shares its last search term with other browsers on OSX\nReported by:\nclashman\nOwned by:\ntbb-team\nPriority:\nMedium\nMilestone:\nComponent:\nApplications\/Tor Browser\nVersion:\nSeverity:\nNormal\nKeywords:\nosx\nCc:\nbugreporter69, ononvsdno\nActual Points:\nParent ID:\nPoints:\nReviewer:\nSponsor:\nDescription\nOn OSX, all browsers (tested chrome, firefox, tor, safari) seem to share the content of the last search term of a page search (ctrl-f). So when I do a website search with the Tor browser on OSX and type anything into the text field, that search term is copied over to some kind of search term clipboard that is then used by all my installed browsers (chrome, f...","url":"http:\/\/ea5faa5po25cf7fb.onion\/projects\/tor\/ticket\/14139"}]}