{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"770659","titolo":" - - 13.11.2014 - Cases.legal","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2018-07-28] -\n- 13.11.2014 - Cases.legal\nToggle navigation\nCASES\nLEGAL\nEnglish\nEstonian\nEnglish\nFrance\nRussian\nUkrainian\nCOURT OF APPEAL DE VERSAILLES\nDR code nac : 3CB\n12e room\nSTOP No.\nCONTRADICTOIRE\nTHE 13 November 2014\nR. G. No. 13\/ 03818\nCASE :\nDaphn\u00e9 X...acting as representative of the holders-rights Paul-Emile X..., to know : Mrs. Colette Y..., Veuve Mr. Paul Emile X..., St\u00e9phane X..., Teiva X..., John Christophe X...and Daphn\u00e9 X...\n...\nC\/ SARL EDITIONS JEAN FARCIGNY...\ndecision referred to the court : Judgement (e) the 21 March 2013 by the Court of great Instance from NANTERRE No. room : 1 No. section : No. RG : 11\/ 01438\nExp\u00e9ditions enforceable Exp\u00e9ditions Copies issued the : to : SCP SCP REYNAUD & LAFONT-GAUDRIOT, Catherine GIAFFERI,\nREPUBLIC FRENCH\nTO NAME PEUPLE FRENCH\nTHE TREIZE November TWO THOUSAND QUATORZE, Court of Appeal Versailles, made judgment next in the case between :\nMrs Daphn\u00e9 X...acting as representative of the holders-rights Paul-Emile X..., to know : Mrs. Colette Y.....","url":"http:\/\/casesvrcgem4gnb5.onion\/en\/act-fr1-16474.html"}]}