{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"560263","titolo":"\n #12585 (Implement new option SocksSocket)\n \u2013 Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki\n ","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2018-06-01] #12585 (Implement new option SocksSocket)\n\u2013 Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki\nSearch:\nLoginPreferencesHelp\/GuideAbout TracRegisterForgot your password?\nView TicketsRoadmapTimelineWikiSearchTags\nContext Navigation\n\u2190 Previous TicketNext Ticket \u2192\nOpened 3 years ago\nClosed 3 years ago\n#12585\nclosed\nenhancement\n(fixed)\nImplement new option SocksSocket\nReported by:\nioerror\nOwned by:\nPriority:\nMedium\nMilestone:\nTor: 0.2.6.x-final\nComponent:\nCore Tor\/Tor\nVersion:\nTor: unspecified\nSeverity:\nKeywords:\n026-triaged-1\nCc:\ndgoulet, adrelanos@\u2026, andrea, intrigeri, mcs, gk\nActual Points:\nParent ID:\nPoints:\nReviewer:\nSponsor:\nDescription\nHi,\nI've implemented a new way for client applications to speak to Tor. I wanted to lock down applications like web browsers to ensure that they cannot even make AF_INET or AF_INET6 sockets. There is one problem: all those clients need AF_INET to talk to Tor! This patch fixes this issue - if a client is able to make an AF_UNIX socket and it talks to a Tor that supports AF_UNIX...","url":"http:\/\/ea5faa5po25cf7fb.onion\/projects\/tor\/ticket\/12585"}]}