{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"5561","titolo":"AppStream Report for Debian - Start","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2019-10-29] AppStream Report for Debian - Start\nAppStream data hints for Debian\nWelcome!\nWelcome to the AppStream Generator HTML pages!\nThese pages exist to provide a user-friendly view on the issues discovered by the\nAppStream metadata generator while extracting metadata from packages in the Debian archive.\nThey can also be used to take a look at the raw metadata, to spot possible problems\nwith the data itself or the generation process.\nSelect a suite\nbuster\nexperimental\nsid\nstretch\nstretch-backports\nstretch-updates\nWhat is AppStream and DEP-11?\nAppStream is a cross-distro XML format to provide metadata for software components and to assign unique identifiers to software.\nIn Debian, we parse all XML provided by upstream projects as well as other metadata (.desktop-files, ...), and compile a single YAML\nmetadata file from it, which is then shipped to users via APT.\nWhile the official AppStream specification is based on XML, Debian uses a YAML version of the format for easier use in existing\nscr...","url":"http:\/\/5j7saze5byfqccf3.onion\/"}]}