{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"515885","titolo":"Miss Venezuela Pageant: Saints and Beauty Make Toxic Mix","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2019-10-11] Miss Venezuela Pageant: Saints and Beauty Make Toxic Mix\nMiss Venezuela Pageant: Saints and Beauty Make Toxic Mix\nPublished: Sunday, 12 November 2017 10:00\nWritten by Ana Carolina Griffin, Reynaldo Mozo\nTwitter\u201cFor decades, a dark cloud of sorts has hovered over the country and reality has been tainted, what was once beautiful has become horrid, what was moral has become immoral. Miss Venezuela \u2026 could be no exception, it could not save itself from this plague. Nothing could.\u201d\nGoodbye to Miss Venezuela, a novel by Francisco Suniaga\nThe 2017 Miss Venezuela pageant. (Photo: EFE news agency)\nIn Venezuela, few things are certain.\nIn one of the most violent countries on Earth, no one knows for sure whether they will make it home alive on any given day or whether they will find enough food and medicine to survive. Nonetheless, one institution continues to dazzle in sequins and stand on stilettos as proud and tall as the Andes: Miss Venezuela.\nOn the night it happens, the pageant paralyzes...","url":"http:\/\/occrpweb4n2vlmih.onion\/en\/28-ccwatch\/cc-watch-indepth\/7246-miss-venezuela-pageant-saints-and-beauty-make-toxic-mix?tmpl=component&print=1&page="}]}