{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"481229","titolo":"Guptas, Big Banks Linked to South African-Chinese Locomotive Deal","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2019-10-07] Guptas, Big Banks Linked to South African-Chinese Locomotive Deal\nGuptas, Big Banks Linked to South African-Chinese Locomotive Deal\nPublished: Wednesday, 15 November 2017 09:56\nWritten by Khadija Sharife\nTwitterIf you look closely at the details of a 2014 contract to bring Chinese-manufactured locomotives to South Africa, you can tell that something more than transportation was going on.\nPhoto: Bob Adams, flickr\nOn the surface, the contract referred to a big, seemingly conventional deal in which China South Rail, a state-owned Chinese manufacturer, would deliver locomotives to South Africa\u2019s state-owned transport infrastructure firm, Transnet.\nChina South Rail\u2019s contract for 359 locomotives was worth a whopping US$1.5 billion.\nBut this was no straight deal.\nBehind the contract were associates of South Africa\u2019s wealthy and politically connected Gupta family, which has been implicated in an ambitious financial raid on Transnet, as previously reported by OCCRP. The Guptas have close ti...","url":"http:\/\/occrpweb4n2vlmih.onion\/en\/28-ccwatch\/cc-watch-indepth\/7257-guptas-big-banks-linked-to-south-african-chinese-locomotive-deal?tmpl=component&print=1&page="}]}