{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"38978","titolo":"Tornews BBC","ricetta":"[Offline \/ 2019-10-19] Tornews BBC\nRead BBC in\nTornews.\nRead the news you like in Tor\nWinter pressure 'busts NHS budget' - BBC News\nFeb. 20, 2017, 3:13 p.m.\nWinter pressures have caused the NHS to overspend as hospitals and other services have struggled to keep up with demand in England, finance chiefs say. A deficit of nearly \u00c2\u00a3900m was racked up by NHS trusts in the first nine months of the 2016-17 financial year. It comes despite the health service being given extra money to help it get on top of its finances after the record \u00c2\u00a32.45bn overspend in 2015-16. Hospitals were seeing more patients than budgeted for, they reported. They also said problems discharging patients because of a lack of community services had cost them, said the regulator, NHS Improvement. The figures for April to December cover ambulances, mental health units and community services as well as hospitals - although most of the deficit has been accrued by the latter. Between them they account for \u00c2\u00a380bn of fund, about two-thirds of th...","url":"http:\/\/tornews3zbdhuan5.onion\/newspaper\/bbc"}]}