{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"356893","titolo":"Love tabletop games? D&D? Come play Spycraft with us! - Social - 0x00sec - The Home of the Hacker","ricetta":"[Offline \/ 2019-11-30] Love tabletop games? D&D? Come play Spycraft with us! - Social - 0x00sec - The Home of the Hacker\nLog In\nLove tabletop games? D&D? Come play Spycraft with us!\nSocial\nfraq\n(Full Snack Developer)\n2017-05-22 13:03:28 UTC\n#1\nA few of us over in the #rp channel on IRC are trying to get a campaign started using the Spycraft 2.0 rule set. If you're interested, slide on in and give me a ping. We're waiting on a couple more people to commit before starting the campaign. See you there!\nSirius\n2017-05-22 17:15:23 UTC\n#2\nDid we finally set an initial start date?\nfraq\n(Full Snack Developer)\n2017-05-22 17:43:22 UTC\n#3\nNope. We need 3 + a DM, so we're missing one player.\nHome\nCategories\nFAQ\/Guidelines\nTerms of Service\nPrivacy Policy\nPowered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled\nPartners\nMine","url":"http:\/\/nullxvxy6kasmy2r.onion\/t\/love-tabletop-games-d-d-come-play-spycraft-with-us\/2069"}]}