{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"345111","titolo":"SQL(ite): markov.sql: Higher Order Markov Chains","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2019-11-28] SQL(ite): markov.sql: Higher Order Markov ChainsSQL(ite): markov.sql: Higher Order Markov ChainsThe Source FantasticBlog ArchiveAbout2013-June-04SQL: Sequence GeneratorSite Update: DISQUSSummaryA simple and straightforward implementtion of higher order markov chains in SQL(ite).IntroductionI promised I'd expand on those other uses for that SQL sequence generator, so here we are: higher order markov chains! This particular piece of code I'll be introducing allows generating strings with a model you train with other strings - for example, you could train the model with first names and then tell it to generate a first name based on that.Why am I doing this in SQL? Because I can! And because, actually this really is kind of straightforward. The implementation is in SQLite, as usual.I've also taken the time to create a separate GIT repository for this in case anyone's interested. The repository contains a set of pre-trained models with 5000 corporation names from the US tax bureau and th...","url":"http:\/\/vturtipc7vmz6xjy.onion\/sql:markov-chains"}]}