{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"335948","titolo":"Re: Lefthandedness of 'pedophiles'","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2019-11-27] Re: Lefthandedness of 'pedophiles'\nThreaded index\nDate index\nFAQ\nRe: Lefthandedness of 'pedophiles'\nPosted by Filip30 on 2017-June-7 03:51:22, Wednesday\nIn reply to Re: Lefthandedness of 'pedophiles' posted by French Frog on 2017-June-7 03:31:32, Wednesday\nI wrote intentionally \"much more lefthanded\" and not just \"more lefthanded\" in the conclusion-sentence because it can not be ruled out that in the studies from Riegel and Schiffer et al \"pedophilic\" men were more often lefthanded than non-\"pedophilic\" men (although this is very unlikely in the study from Schiffer et al.).\nBut nevertheless (as I wrote below):\nAccording to general studies about 10 % of men are lefthanded. James Cantor reports that his forensic \"pedophiles\" are about three times more often lefthanded. Now in this study from Schiffer et al (2017) about 10 men of the 118 \"pedophilic\"\/\"hebephilic\" men were lefthanded and about 10 men of the 101 control men (non-\"pedophilic\"\/non-\"hebephilic\") were lefthanded. So the non-...","url":"http:\/\/r2j4xiyckibnyd45.onion\/messages\/1498036.htm"}]}