{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"332461","titolo":"Will Dr. Cantor ever study non-child molesters?","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2019-11-27] Will Dr. Cantor ever study non-child molesters?\nThreaded index\nDate index\nFAQ\nWill Dr. Cantor ever study non-child molesters?\nPosted by boondox on 2017-June-23 20:51:53, Friday\nIn reply to Why pedophiles are different from child molesters posted by James Cantor on 2017-June-23 08:17:25, Friday\nHi Dr. Cantor,\n[I imagine I'm late to the party and you probably already have stopped replying to this thread, but I thought I'd give it a shot regardless.]\nThanks for the link, it was an interesting read. I have to admit I'm not personally aware of the entirety of your body of work. With that said, I'm vaguely aware that perhaps you haven't personally studied non-child molesters (i.e. with in-depth in person interviews, etc.). If that is truly the case, do you ever intend to do so?\nBTW, I personally appreciate that you study and care about this subject with both a scientific and compassionate mind (I know many here will disagree... but whatever), as I'm personally invested in it as someone wh...","url":"http:\/\/r2j4xiyckibnyd45.onion\/messages\/1499031.htm"}]}