{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"331308","titolo":"In My 'Perfect' World...","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2019-11-27] In My 'Perfect' World...\nThreaded index\nDate index\nFAQ\nIn My 'Perfect' World...\nPosted by Steve-D on 2017-September-13 20:00:39, Wednesday\nIn reply to Mostly agreed posted by Will Robinson on 2017-September-13 15:39:04, Wednesday\nNothing sexually informational would be hidden from children...There would be some kind of \"safe zones\", where people interested in intimate relations could go...but they could only get in and stay, if they could tell you what they were seeking...\n...All people would be there by their own choosing, after making the effort to seek out what they are looking for.\nIf they are free to come and go, then their choices are also their own...and they could approach you...Maybe, that would be the rule...Younger must approach older?...\nAdmittedly, this does not make allowance for toddler lovers or nepiophiles...and even a lot of pre-teens, would have a hard time getting to such a place.\n...But, if we're talking \"perfect\" world...well...\n...Maybe the \"safe zone\" could a...","url":"http:\/\/r2j4xiyckibnyd45.onion\/messages\/1502786.htm"}]}