{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"307305","titolo":"\/pol\/ - Anti-Temer","ricetta":"[Offline \/ 2019-11-24] \/pol\/ - Anti-Temer[\nHome \/\nBoard list \/\nRandom board \/\nOverboard \/\nCreate your board \/\nSearch \/\nManage board \/\n.onion ]\n\/pol\/ - Politically IncorrectCatalog\nPosting mode: Reply [Return]\n[Go to bottom]\n[New Reply]\n[Hide form]\nName\nEmail\nSubject\nComment *File\n* = required field\n[\u25b6 Show post options & limits]\n[\u25bc Hide post options & limits]Options\nDo not bump\nSpoiler imagesPassword\n(For file and post deletion.)\nAllowed file types:\njpg, jpeg, gif, png, mp4, webm, mp3, ogg, pdf\nMax filesize is 20MB.\nMax image dimensions are 10000 x 10000.\nYou may upload 1 per post.\nAnti-Temer Camarada an\u00e3o\u00a0 09\/11\/16 (Wed) 14:40:38\u00a0No.1135File: 1478702438739.jpeg (46.41KB, 620x1057, 16109116.jpeg)An\u00f5es, o que est\u00e3o achando do governo Temer por enquanto?http:\/\/www.vermelho.org.br\/noticia\/289410-1Temer pede paci\u00eancia a empres\u00e1rios e defende o fim do Bolsa Fam\u00edlia \u201cQuerem que o governo assuma e dois meses depois o c\u00e9u esteja azul. N\u00e3o \u00e9 assim. Isso leva tempo\u201d, tentou justificar Temer sobre a situa\u00e7\u00e3o econ\u00f4mi...","url":"http:\/\/brchanansdnhvvnm.onion\/pol\/res\/1135.html"}]}