{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"2936746","titolo":"\n #8080 (ExitNodes statement not honoured by tor)\n \u2013 Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki\n ","ricetta":"[Online \/ ] #8080 (ExitNodes statement not honoured by tor)\n\u2013 Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki\nLoginPreferencesHelp\/GuideAbout TracRegisterForgot your password?\nView TicketsWikiTags\nContext Navigation\n\u2190 Previous TicketNext Ticket \u2192\nOpened 6 years ago\nClosed 6 years ago\n#8080\nclosed\ndefect\n(invalid)\nExitNodes statement not honoured by tor\nReported by:\nmr-4\nOwned by:\nPriority:\nMedium\nMilestone:\nComponent:\nCore Tor\/Tor\nVersion:\nTor:\nSeverity:\nKeywords:\nCc:\nActual Points:\nParent ID:\nPoints:\nReviewer:\nSponsor:\nDescription\nIf I have the following sequence in my torrc file:\nStrictNodes 1\nExitNodes \nExcludeNodes \nMy understanding is that Tor is supposed to only open (exit) circuits by using the ExitNode specified above, with the obvious caveat that the node in question is fully functional (otherwise I am bound to get a rather cryptic message as the one I submitted in Bug #7890).\nThat does not appear to happen though:\n[circ] 16 BUILT (3): BridgeNode1->Interm...","url":"http:\/\/ea5faa5po25cf7fb.onion\/projects\/tor\/ticket\/8080"}]}