{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"289402","titolo":"\n BigCats Mating Behaviour\n ","ricetta":"[Offline \/ 2019-11-21] BigCats Mating Behaviour\nCourtship (focus : lions)\nBigCats Mating Behaviour\nBig cat courtship is more complex than most believe. When a female cat goes into heat it is just the beginning. The scent of a female in heat drives the male crazy and he quickly searches for the female. Young male cubs outside of adolesence have been documented spended hours smelling and playing around the an area where female in heat has marked.\nThe male lion finds his mate and the courtship begins. The male presses himself deeplying into the female's face and hind-quarters. The female returnes the rubs to the face, and prolongs the contact with the male's hind-quarters. The female will lick, prod, and sniff the male's genitalia. The female is not only exciting the male but she is also stalling waiting for a better male arrive.\nThe 'touching' courtship can last hours (and extend for days), and helps to form a bond between the pair. As the the touching continues the pair move farther and father away from th...","url":"http:\/\/tssa3saypkimmkcy.onion\/public\/stories\/big_cats_mating_behaviour.html"}]}