{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"26639","titolo":"Search Engine Plug-Ins ** Heidenwut","ricetta":"[Offline \/ 2018-12-25] Search Engine Plug-Ins ** Heidenwut\nSearch Engine Plug-Ins\nHere are some search engine plug-ins for FireFox that work with through Tor. These search plug-ins work with the little search box at the top-right of most FireFox browsers. I had to make them myself as there was none in existence at the moment. Here is a quick list of the plug-ins that are available with links to the original sites. ( Although I don't officially support any browser but FireFox, these plug-ins are open standard search plug-ins and may work with browsers that are not FireFox. )\nDeep Search: Search the undernet using the Deep Search plug-in.\nDuck Duck Go Tor: Search the regular internet using Duck Duck Go via their onion site.\nPirate Bay: Search The Pirate Bay using their onion site.\nNormal Installation ( recommended )\nThe plug-ins that I have made should install in the standard way that FireFox web plug-ins. By clicking on the the add-on bar and selecting the \"Add NameOfPlugIn\" option at the bottom of the lis...","url":"http:\/\/awoo.tt3j2x4k5ycaa5zt.onion\/computers\/GOOD_SearchEnginePlugIns.php"}]}