{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"2563176","titolo":"Homosexuality | 100777.com","ricetta":"[Online \/ ] Homosexuality | 100777.com\nIntro\nIndex\nThe Plan against the NWO\nLTAC\nLTAM\nTrack changes\nContact\nHomosexuality\nThou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [homosexuality] [is] abomination' - The Ruler of the Universe, God - in Leviticus 18:22\n60 Minutes - Special Investigation Spies Lords and Predators\nAdd new comment\n( categories: NWO\nAudio & Video\nHomosexuality\nJewry, \"Israel\", Zionism...\nMI6\n)\nChristian preacher arrested for saying homosexuality is a sin\nhttp:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/news\/newstopics\/religion\/7668448\/Christian-pr...\nDale McAlpine was charged with causing \u201charassment, alarm or distress\u201d after a homosexual police community support officer (PCSO) overheard him reciting a number of \u201csins\u201d referred to in the Bible, including blasphemy, drunkenness and same sex relationships....\nAdd new comment\n( categories: Homosexuality\nManmade Law\nTorah\n)\nPedophilia in high places\nThe following in a reply by karmadillo (thank you) to the \"Operation Ore exposed - How thousands ...","url":"http:\/\/truth77k52rbo3ov.onion\/homosexuality"}]}