{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"2362616","titolo":"Ships and the Horizon - Proof of a Flat Earth.","ricetta":"[Online \/ ] Ships and the Horizon - Proof of a Flat Earth.\nBeamStat\nHome\nChans\nBroadcasts\nGraphs\nObjects\nDownloads\nShips and the Horizon - Proof of a Flat Earth.\n[chan] privacyFeb 25 23:35 [raw]\nShips and the Horizon - Proof of a Flat Earth.\nThe freemasons tell us ships disappear on the horizon because the earth is round.\nThis freemason fairy tale is easily debunked with a telescope or telescoping camera. After the ship has completely disappeared from the horizon, zooming in brings the entire ship back into view. The real reason a ship disappears over the horizon is not curvature; its the vanishing point of light perspective.\nAll light has a property called perspective. At enough distance, everything in the distance disappears from view because light cannot travel an infinite distance in a straight line. When you observe two railroad tracks come together in the distance then disappear, this is basically what the sun is doing when it sets, and why ships disappear on the horizon.\nThus ships disap...","url":"http:\/\/bm6hsivrmdnxmw2f.onion\/chan\/general\/ce9330face737694958f114d08cbbff7e6d849bf687e1acb898c6bd261e4f315"}]}