{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"229647","titolo":"Deep web - Hidden Wiki","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2020-06-12] Deep web - Hidden Wiki\nDeep web\nFrom Hidden Wiki\n(Redirected from Deep Web)\nJump to:\t\t\t\t\tnavigation, \t\t\t\t\tsearch\nDeep Web\nTor\nI2P\nTorrent\neDonkey\nEncryption of data\nChatting\nEncryption of messages\nDeep Web\nTor\nI2P\nI2PSnark\niMule\nTrueCrypt\nTorChat\ngpg4usb\nContents\n1 Summary\n2 How to use it safely\n2.1 Concealing private information\n2.1.1 Managing IDs\n2.2 Using antivirus softwares\n2.3 Updating Tor Browser Bundle\n2.4 Not to use JavaScript and plug-ins\n2.5 Encryption of data\n2.5.1 Why should we encrypt our data?\n2.5.2 How to make safe passwords?\n2.6 Computer forensic\n2.6.1 Thumbnails\n2.6.2 Windows searching index\n2.6.3 Recognizing hard disks\n2.6.4 Evading from computer forensic\n2.7 Using e-mails, clouds and messangers safely\n2.8 Using open source softwares\n2.8.1 Using Chromium instead of Chrome\n2.8.2 Using LibreOffice instead of MS Office\n2.8.3 Using GIMP instead of Photoshop\n2.8.4 Using Linux instead of Windows\n3 How to use Deep Web by smartphones and tablets\n4 Size\n5 Naming\n6 Methods\n7...","url":"http:\/\/hwikis25cffertqe.onion\/index.php?title=Deep_Web"}]}