{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"21575","titolo":"\n Martian Colonies\n ","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2019-10-30] Martian Colonies\nMartian Colonies\nLast modified: 2013-03-12\n(finished). Epistemic state:\nlog.\nauf dem kreuze lieg ich jetzt\nsie schlagen mir die n\u00e4gel ein\ndas feuer w\u00e4scht die seele rein\nund \u00fcbrig bleibt ein mund voll asche\nich komm wieder\nin zehn tagen\nals dein schatten\nund werd dich jagen\nheimlich werd ich auferstehen\nund du wirst um gnade flehen\ndann knie ich mich in dein gesicht\nund steck den finger in die\nasche - zu asche\nund staub - zu staub\n\u2013 Rammstein\u2019s heterodox Christology as primary influence on my\nreading of the Harrowing of Hell\nBook reviews. There might be a theme.\nPsychology for the Classroom: Behaviourism. Overview of\nbehaviorism as used in (mainstream) teaching. Decent\nreferences, reads like an extended Wikipedia article, but\nunless you\u2019re exceptionally smart or already know the\nfoundations of empiricism etc. that make behaviorism possible,\nyou won\u2019t be able to use much of that stuff at all. Read\nDon\u2019t Shoot The Dog instead.\nApplied Behavior Analysis: Principles and...","url":"http:\/\/daily.muflax65ngodyewp.onion\/log\/111\/"}]}