{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"195188","titolo":"How to Remove Levamisole Using Hexane and Water","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2020-06-07] How to Remove Levamisole Using Hexane and Water\nContact\nDid you know at one time cocaine \u201cwine\u201d was legal, available and quite popular? See our newest section of the CCC on this curious subject: Cocaine Wine\nSimple Procedure to do a Five Times Hexane Wash:\n1. Mix 1g cocaine and 20mL water, filter insoluble things and discard. Now heat it till below boiling point, stop heating and proceed immediately.\n2. Add a dilute solution (2%) of Amonium Hydroxide drop by drop until milky precipitation occurs, stop adding when a next drop is not forming more. The precipitate formed is cocaine+levamisole freebase.\n3. Allow it to cool, throw water away recovering the solid. If it was cut with ephedrine you just got rid of it with that water. Let solid dry overnight.\n4. Mix the solid with 100mL Hexane, heat at 75\u00baC or so for 5min. Let it cool and move to a funnel.\n5. Add 100mL water, shake vigorously to mix, then stop and let it rest so it separate in 2 layers again. Discard water layer in the botto...","url":"http:\/\/cocaineo5z66elwy.onion\/How-To-Remove-Levamisole-Using-Hexane-and-Water.html"}]}