{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"1928265","titolo":"\n {5} Accepted, Active Tickets by Owner (Full Description) \u2013 Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki\n ","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2018-05-26] {5} Accepted, Active Tickets by Owner (Full Description) \u2013 Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki\nSearch:\nLoginPreferencesHelp\/GuideAbout TracRegisterForgot your password?\nView TicketsRoadmapTimelineWikiSearchTags\nContext Navigation\nAvailable ReportsNew Custom Query\n{5} Accepted, Active Tickets by Owner (Full Description)\n(143 matches)\nMax items per page\nList tickets accepted, group by ticket owner.\nThis report demonstrates the use of full-row display.\nResults (1 - 100 of 143)\n1\n2\n\u2192\nCthulhu\n(2 matches)\nTicket\nSummary\nComponent\nMilestone\nType\nCreated\nDescription\n#13421\nGoodBadISP's Revamp\nInternal Services\/Wiki\nproject\nOct 15, 2014\nFollowing a discussion on the mailing list [1] the GoodBadISP page could do with some updating and proper arranging.\nSome of the categories I have in mind to make available in the table format are as follows: Country, Company Name, ASN, Bridges Allowed, Relays Allowed, Exits Allowed, Last Updated, Correspondence.\nWould \"Bridges Allowed\" be a redundant measure since they w...","url":"http:\/\/ea5faa5po25cf7fb.onion\/projects\/tor\/report\/5?sort=_description_&asc=1&page=1"}]}