{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"176062","titolo":"Untitled Document","ricetta":"[Offline \/ 2019-11-09] Untitled Document\nSynthesizing Crystal Meth\nRemember: this process is highly illegal, and\nwe, in no way shape or form encourage this or any other illegal\nactivities. Methamphetamines can fuck you\nover hardcore. Please use common sense.\nReduction With Hydroiodic Acid and Red Phosphorus\nIn this procedure, boiling one of these compounds in a mixture of\nhydroiodic acid and red phosphorus reduces the alcohol grouping of\nephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or PPA. Hydroiodic acid works as a reducing\nagent because it dissociates at higher temperatures to iodine and\nhydrogen, which does the reducing. The dissociation is reversible. The\nequilibrium is shifted in favor of dissociation by adding red phosphorus\nto the mixture. The red phosphorus reacts with the iodine to produce\nPI3, which then further reacts with water to form phosphorus acid and\nmore hydroiodic acid. Since the hydrogen atom of the HI is being\nabsorbed by the ephedrine, the red phosphorus acts as a recycler.\nIn some reductions, the ne...","url":"http:\/\/joxkkbixvbtkfnrz.onion\/meth.html"}]}