{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"1637","titolo":"Mirror server bastet.luchs.at has switched to encryption","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2019-10-16] Mirror server bastet.luchs.at has switched to encryption\nWelcome to our mirror server!\nHere you can find copies of data found elsewhere. It is mirrored simply for\nour convenience (i.e. distributing software updates). All content\nis used according to its copyright (please let us know if we missed something, so that we\ncan take any content down that shouldn't be available for download).\nNevertheless you may download anything you find in this directory. Please don't index\nthis site. It is not meant to be found in search engines.\nIf you download software archives such as tar files or ISO images, please make sure that you check\nthe appropriate checksums and cryptographic signatures!\nPlease note that the server configuration has been changed to SSL\/TLS-only! This\nmeans that you can continue to use old URLs to this site, but you have to change http:\/\/\nto https:\/\/.\nPlease note that the server configuration has been changed to limit access to browsers and clients\nequipped with a X.509 certif...","url":"http:\/\/ays3742ohpasvdoq.onion\/"}]}