{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"162849","titolo":"Jeff Cooper's Commentaries: Vol. 4, No. 4","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2020-06-04] Jeff Cooper's Commentaries: Vol. 4, No. 4\nJeff Cooper's Commentaries\nPreviously Gunsite Gossip\nVol. 4, No. 4\nMarch, 1996\nThe Ides of March\nDespite the snow and ice which had\nenveloped most of the country in recent weeks, we in the Southwest\nhave enjoyed almost no winter at all. While this has had a good\neffect on most outdoor activity, it has not helped the skiing, and\nwe do need all the precipitation we can get, as in any dry country.\nAs to that, the rains have finally hit in South Africa, breaking a\n10-year drought, and while one wet season will not bring everything\ninto order, every little bit helps.\nAll hands should anticipate the\nKeneyathlon at Whittington Center coming up in June. This\nis, in my opinion, the most significant rifle contest in the world\nat this time, and while its rules and course of fire are still to\nbe perfected, it is the best test of rifle skill I know of.\nThis year the \"Guru's Gold\" ring will go to the man placing\nin the first five who uses the lightest rif...","url":"http:\/\/c6q2m57ts2crvtiz.onion\/jeff4_4.html"}]}