{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"161674","titolo":"Jewish Supremacism : Author\u2019s Preface","ricetta":"[Offline \/ 2019-11-07] Jewish Supremacism : Author\u2019s Preface\nHome\nAuthors\nDavid Ernest Duke\nJewish SupremacismAuthor\u2019s Preface\nAbout\nNews\nAuthors\nSubjects\nReading Lists\nLibrarians\nReaders\nManual\nLogin\nI promise that this book will challenge you. Its amazing documentary evidence will confront some of your most cherished beliefs.\nIf you can put aside as best you can the prejudices you may have on this subject and even preconceptions you might have about me personally \u2014 you can more fairly evaluate the ideas and evidence in this book. Tint is all an author can ask of his reader; and I ask it of you. It is my earnest belief that if you endeavor to keep an open mind, what you read will surprise you.\nThe real power of this book comes from its documentation from major sources. In fact, you will quickly discover that most of my documents about Jewish Supremacism are from Jewish sources. They argue more convincingly for my point of view than anything I could write. I encourage you to go to the sources that I quote...","url":"http:\/\/c3jemx2ube5v5zpg.onion\/?document=view&id=1157§ion=1"}]}