{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"1612901","titolo":"Murder Inc. Book","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2018-05-21] Murder Inc. Book\nMurder Inc. (the book)\nby Jack_the_Rippa\nWARNINGMany of the techniques\nand devices discussed in this bookAre extremely dangerous and possibly\nillegal. Before attemptingTo perform any act or use any equipment and\ntechniques discussedHerein, the reader is advised to receive professional\nopinion (ha!),And to ensure that he is in complete compliance with all\nfederal,State, and local laws and regulations (HA!), and is not in any\nwayEndangering themselves or others. This book is for academic study\nonly.Table of ContentsIntroductionChapter 1: The\nMarkChapter 2: Unarmed KillsChapter 3: Edged and Piercing\nWeaponsChapter 4: Gun KillsChapter 5: Defenestration and Hit and\nRunChapter 6: Garrote and Zip GunsChapter 7: ExplosivesChapter 8:\nPoisonsChapter 9: Silent MovementChapter 10: Protecting your\n\"ass\"etsChapter 11: Planning the HitChapter 12: Getting InChapter\n13: The Human FactorChapter 14: Make 'em TalkChapter 15:\nEquipmentINTRODUCTIONHitmen, cleaners, murderer\u0092s,\nassassins,...","url":"http:\/\/qx7j2selmom4ioxf.onion\/murderincthebook.html"}]}