{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"156780","titolo":"$$ The Green Machine $$ - How to contact me for account details","ricetta":"[Offline \/ 2019-01-15] $$ The Green Machine $$ -\nHow to contact me for account details$$ The Green Machine $$How to contact me for account detailsReturn to board indexYou are not logged in.\n| Sign up--PayedPals posted 1551 days 17 hours ago: The BEST way to contact me is through Torchat!\nHere is my ID: whrg5wl57b7dcfq6\nA link to download Torchat. It only takes a minute to install. Add my ID to your contact list and then message me.\nhttp:\/\/code.google.com\/p\/torchat\/downloads\/detail?name=torchat-windows-\nYou may also send me email, but tormail has been up and down. If it goes down, I will not get your messages. You are probably better off sendingt me a PM here than using email for the moment.\ngreenmachine@bitmessage.ch \/>","url":"http:\/\/zzq7hwjp2yl4w7sp.onion\/showthread.php@&threadid=17bdd7289b291a452296adc621a890b2.html"}]}