{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"1366062","titolo":"\n #17356 (Tor Browser crash on OS X while receiving Facebook notification in background)\n \u2013 Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki\n ","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2018-06-12] #17356 (Tor Browser crash on OS X while receiving Facebook notification in background)\n\u2013 Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki\nSearch:\nLoginPreferencesHelp\/GuideAbout TracRegisterForgot your password?\nView TicketsRoadmapTimelineWikiSearchTags\nContext Navigation\n\u2190 Previous TicketNext Ticket \u2192\nOpened 2 years ago\nLast modified 2 years ago\n#17356\nnew\ndefect\nTor Browser crash on OS X while receiving Facebook notification in background\nReported by:\nteor\nOwned by:\ntbb-team\nPriority:\nMedium\nMilestone:\nComponent:\nApplications\/Tor Browser\nVersion:\nSeverity:\nNormal\nKeywords:\ntbb-crash\nCc:\ntbb-crash\nActual Points:\nParent ID:\nPoints:\nReviewer:\nSponsor:\nDescription\nI had Tor Browser 5.0.3 crash on me on OS X 10.10.5.\nTor Browser was in the background, I was logged in to Facebook (facebook.com with JavaScript, facebookcorewwi.onion without JavaScript).\nThe crash happened just after a friend shared my post on Facebook, and I received a Facebook notification outside of Tor Browser.\nHere is the crash log (edited):\n...","url":"http:\/\/ea5faa5po25cf7fb.onion\/projects\/tor\/ticket\/17356"}]}