{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"12020","titolo":"another website curtailing free\u2013speech (IMO)","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2019-10-16] another website curtailing free\u2013speech (IMO)\nThreaded index\nDate index\nFAQ\nanother website curtailing free\u2013speech (IMO)\nPosted by '*' on 2017-February-4 08:16:38, Saturday\ngeneral announcement,\nhttp:\/\/www.imdb.com\/board\/announcement\ny\u2019know the IMDb.com site is now owned by amazon.com\nthey\u2019ve already moved most pics etc to \u201cIMDbPro\u201d which must be paid\u2013for AIUI\nIMO this is too\u2013much power\/control being governed by a single entity (even tho seemingly NGO)\nwith me still being on disability etc\ni used to join the \u201camazon prime\u201d program\nbut now\ni have already decided to seek my personal needs elsewhere\nlike jet.com\nand newegg.com\netc\nand maybe even walmart.com direct home delivery\n(hollar if u have any other ideas here, please)\nif i can ever trust USPS also\n(some of u might rmbr, they \u201cmisdelivered\u201d many orders esp\u2019ly if things were to arrive on the weekend)\nand so i am going to *demand* using other delivery methods as well\nyes this country is reaching bottom\nfor my trust\nhow r we gonna te...","url":"http:\/\/r2j4xiyckibnyd45.onion\/messages\/1490890.htm"}]}