{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"11748","titolo":"Yes, but why?","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2019-10-16] Yes, but why?\nThreaded index\nDate index\nFAQ\nYes, but why?\nPosted by Sick Rose on 2017-February-9 21:27:29, Thursday\nIn reply to Yes posted by A. Nony Moose on 2017-February-9 16:58:31, Thursday\nYou write that \"most people find the concept of attraction to children offensive.\"\nThat is true.\nBut why is it the case?\nBecause -- as any perusal of the historical, anthropological, or artistic record will verify -- attraction to young people is, if not precisely universal, then extremely widespread.\nIf it were not, humanity would have died out long ago.\nBut for complex reasons -- economic, social, political -- our society has collectively \"decided\" that this attraction must be repressed.\n(it wasn't a conscious decision as such but a result of all kinds of power dynamics coming together).\nThe fact that it cannot be ultimately repressed by everyone everywhere is very useful to power holders because it provides an endless diversionary spectacle that neutralizes\nopposition from both the right a...","url":"http:\/\/r2j4xiyckibnyd45.onion\/messages\/1491196.htm"}]}