{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"11022","titolo":"Top 4 websites \u2013 The Asocial","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2019-05-03] Top 4 websites \u2013 The Asocial\nTop 4 websites\nThe ones that are more popular than Wikipedia\nImage source\nImage source\nArticle date\nDecember 21, 2016\nCategory\ninternet\nCurrently there is just 4 websites between Wikipedia and world domination, and we are reviewing those four. Each section begins with a quote from alexa top 500, followed by a list of observations, possibly a comment, and concludes with a more honest description.\nGoogle\nEnables users to search the world\u2019s information, including webpages, images, and videos. Offers unique features and search technology.\nFails w3 validation (i.e., invalid trash).\nSometimes the website welcomes us with a captcha.\nHalf of the pages (i.e., one page) is in French, despite web browser locale being English.\nWhen attempting to switch to English, or to type anything in the text input field on its main page, an amusing error message appears (the URL is shortened here):\nYour client does not have permission to get URL \/sorry\/index?continue=https:\/\/www...","url":"http:\/\/asocialfz7ncw5ui.onion\/articles\/internet\/top-4-websites.html"}]}