{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"1092976","titolo":"Mood influencing through ELF waves - General Discussion - Intel Exchange","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2018-05-17] Mood influencing through ELF waves - General Discussion - Intel ExchangeIntel Exchange > General Discussion > Mood influencing through ELF wavesSign UpMood influencing through ELF wavesAuthorMessageNyx2 years and 20 weeks agoSo I wrote quite a few paragraphs on this when my connection was abruptly reset. I'm now going to just give the short and narrow unfortunately.I have been doing a lot of research on ELF (Extremely low frequency) waves and their effects on the human brain and body. I am now going to experiment with this in my own lab. My objectives being to create a mood control device, as well as a shield of sorts from not only ELF waves but also the general electromagnetic pollution in the air. The mood control device is pretty straight forward, mine will operate between frequencies of 1-10hz. The shield I will be exploring two different concepts with. The first being simply blocking out the waves all together, and the second being interfering with the waves using a broadcast o...","url":"http:\/\/rrcc5uu3dkhlvdwo.onion\/?cmd=topic&id=11352"}]}