{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"106781","titolo":"CryptoShare - Encrypted file sharing service","ricetta":"[Offline \/ 2019-01-08] CryptoShare - Encrypted file sharing service\nDrop your files here\nclickable\nCryptoShare\nUpload settings\nChange language\nTerms of service\nAbout us\nShare type:\nE-Mail\nLink\nDestruct the file:\nYes\nNo\nProtect with password:\n(Leave empty to disable password)\nNeed a safe and anonymous online bitcoin wallet?\nFiles will automatically self-destruct after 24 hours. All the files are automatically encrypted when uploading it.\nDo not upload content that is illegal in your country or in the European Union.\nSelect your prefered language:\n-- Select language --\nEnglishDutchFrenchGermanItalianPortugueseRussianSpanishTurkish\nNeed a safe and anonymous online bitcoin wallet?\nFiles will automatically self-destruct after 24 hours. All the files are automatically encrypted when uploading it.\nDo not upload content that is illegal in your country or in the European Union.\nTerms of Service\nCryptoShare LIMITED TERMS OF SERVICE (\"terms\")\n1\nWelcome to CryptoShare. CryptoShare Limited (\"CryptoShare\", \"we\", \"us\") ...","url":"http:\/\/qtx6d2.uqnomqqbvpj7bgf2.onion\/"}]}