{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"10516","titolo":"What is Free Software?","ricetta":"[Offline \/ 2019-10-30] What is Free Software?\nThe Hack Lair\npnxauh22krzb5xso.onion\nWhat is Free Software?\nIt\u2019s software that is legally protected in such a way that anybody can use it as they see fit. It\u2019s also protect the source code from being hidden to the users.\nWhat is source code?\nIt\u2019s what humans use to tell machine and software how behave when you use them.\nHow is that helpful?\nFree and equal access\nAlmost all free softwares are free to use and can be legally used by everybody.\nTrusting the software\nIf the source code is readable, then people can verify that the software actually do what it say. Let\u2019s say, for example that RiseUp.net release a document that explaining how Skype is spying on you. There\u2019s no way to validate since the source cause is unavailable. If Skype was a free software, we could verify.\nControl, or Freedom\nHaving access to the source code mean we can control what the software does. This, in theory, prevent outsiders from inserting malware and surveillance systems in your softwa...","url":"http:\/\/pnxauh22krzb5xso.onion\/what-is-free-software\/"}]}