{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"10499","titolo":"Case study: Depackaging with Apktool","ricetta":"[Offline \/ 2019-10-30] Case study: Depackaging with Apktool\nThe Hack Lair\npnxauh22krzb5xso.onion\nCase study: Depackaging with Apktool\nFor this case study we are going to use apktool, a tool for reverse engineering Android apk files, developed by iBotPeaches. If you want to get the tool running on your system read the installation doc.\nWe\u2019re analasing Aptoide 6.5.2.\nRun apktool decode cm.aptoide.pt.apk and let\u2019s get started.\nThe first file we want to check is AndroidManifest.xml. The Android Manifest official doc help us understanding what info we can get.\nThis file contain a list of permissions the app equire to run. So READ_PHONE_STATE huh? Reading my EMEI and my phone number. Why would it need to know that? Good thing we use a dedicated hacking device. Another interesting permission is READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE which mean the app can read files on our device.\nNext we can check the smali folder. In the Android language smali and baksmali mean compiling and decompiling. We recommend you read this excellent po...","url":"http:\/\/pnxauh22krzb5xso.onion\/analysing-android-app-aptoide-part-4-apktool\/"}]}