{"success":1,"onion":[{"id":"100242","titolo":"Fresh Onions","ricetta":"[Online \/ 2020-05-26] Fresh Onions\n.\nINDEX\nFAQ\nJSON\nSRC\nSTATS\n-- 3310 certified fresh onions, 10 in the last 24 hours.\n\u00af`\u00b7.\u00b8\u00b8.\u00b7\u00b4\u00af`\u00b7.\u00b8\u00b8.\u00b7\u00b4\u00af`\u00b7.\u00b8\u00b8.\u00b7\u00b4\u00af`\u00b7><(((\u00ba>\nLicense\nThis software is made available under the GNU Affero GPL 3 License.. What this means is that is you deploy this software as part of networked software that is available to the public, you must make the source code available (and any modifications).\nFrom the GNU site:\nThe GNU Affero General Public License is a modified version of the ordinary GNU GPL version 3. It has one added requirement: if you run a modified program on a server and let other users communicate with it there, your server must also allow them to download the source code corresponding to the modified version running there.\nDownload\nThe source code for this site, and the associated onion crawler, can be downloaded from here: torscraper-0.2r127-201703220058.tar.gz. The source code is also available on github at https:\/\/github.com\/dirtyfilthy\/freshonions-torscraper\nPlease note th...","url":"http:\/\/zlal32.ju7dowhfcz3bs27p.onion\/src"}]}